[physfs] More small fixes

Patrice Mandin mandin.patrice at orange.fr
Thu Mar 18 07:17:30 EDT 2010


Here are two small patches.

 - Add OPTIONAL_LIBRARY_LIBS to the static version of physfs (so -lz
can be used at linking stage for test_physfs).
 - Use TARGET_SUPPORTS_SHARED_LIBS instead of TRUE, so platforms with
only static linking will not try to build shared versions.

 - CmakeList.txt define or not PHYSFS_NO_THREAD_SUPPORT for thread
support, but src/platform_unix.c checks for PHYSFS_NO_PTHREADS_SUPPORT. 

Patrice Mandin
WWW: http://pmandin.atari.org/
Programmeur Linux, Atari
Spécialité: Développement, jeux

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