[physfs] What are the real benefits of PhysFS ?

Alain Baeckeroot alain.baeckeroot at laposte.net
Thu Jul 16 13:12:46 EDT 2009

Le 16/07/2009 à 18:49, Daniel Aquino a écrit :
> As I sit here I'm wondering what the benefits really are for putting
> in the work needed to get physfs into a game...

as an humble contributor to a game (lincity-ng) physfs allow the developpers
to easyly have a multi-OS game without problems, that's a very nice toolbox
(even if windoz causes some trouble from time to time ;-) )

If you don't need to acces to files in a simple way, i guess it is useless :-)

my 2 cents

> I obviously know that I could provide updates as zip's that could
> easily be rolled back.
> The user can also easily override any file by adding his own to the
> write folder.
> You could specify paths to other zips/directories on the cli and it
> all just flows there is no need to point at 1 physical directory and
> then glue it all all together your self...
> But beyond that what is the benefits ?
> I was trying to reduce the complexity of rolling out version with
> multiple files... Previously I use to just push a new exe and it was
> simple to click on the exe you wanted to launch... Now that I have lua
> and other dll's in the project it's a multi file update that
> overwrites previous entries which looses the ability to pick the
> version you want to play in...   So I was figuring I could come up
> with a small boot strapper that would load up a bunch of locations
> using physfs, present a list of exe's to the end user, then extract it
> and launch it... Then the concept would be that the exe knows (perhaps
> based on date strings in the file names) which updates came previous
> to it self and doesn't load up any new ones...  This way updates could
> come in a zip and you can still play multiple versions...
> Any ideas?
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