[physfs] Serializing floats

Dave mewse at despayre.org
Sun Jan 22 19:36:22 EST 2006

Ryan C. Gordon wrote:

>> So could we have a PHYSFS_writefloat32() function or
>> is it a reasonable assumption (I suspect not) that float
>> endianness matches int endianness and we can fake it
>> by passing a type-punned float to PHYSFS_writeSLE32()?
>> (**ick**)
> Ultimately, that's what a PHYSFS_*float32() would do beneath the 
> hood...the bits mean something different, but they get swapped the 
> same way.
> --ryan.
Maybe making some stubs that call the integer funcs would be in order, 
altho that feels kinda evil.

dave "mewse" kiddell

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