physfs zlib 1.1.4->1.2.1 patch available

Adam D. Moss adam at
Fri Dec 5 11:54:08 EST 2003

See here:

This will upgrade physfs's tree-internal zlib version from
1.1.4 to 1.2.1:

1) remove the zlib114 directory
2) create the zlib121 directory (by extracting physfs-zlib121.tar.gz)
3) apply the patch physfs-z121.patch

The patch updates the unixoid and os2 build processes to build
the new zlib.  The dsp and vcproj project files would have to
be updated by whoever maintains them, though.

There may or may not be reasons to apply this to CVS.  I haven't
tested the supposed 20% speedup, and the on-disk footprint cost of
linking 1.2.1 is around 6K more than 1.1.4 on x86.

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam at   co:3
Consume Less, Live More

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