Hi,<br><br>man feh shows the option to run borderless;<br><br>-x, --borderless<br>Create borderless windows.<br><br>So I've tried running feh several ways with this option(s) with no success;<br><br>feh --borderless /home/slack/Wallpaper/<br>
feh --borderless "/home/slack/Wallpaper/"<br>feh -x /home/slack/Wallpaper/image.png<br><br>Those are just a few examples, but basically I've tried running this as many was as possible and nothing works...<br>
<br>I'm still getting the titlebar border, it seems like using obconf and adding a Window theme is overriding the feh option?<br><br>Has anyone had success in Opebox getting feh to appear borderless?<br><br>Thanks...<br>