[openbox] Submenus with default choice improved

Alexey Korop akorop at gmail.com
Tue Nov 9 06:32:20 EST 2010

Hi, All

     This letter is a copy of the ticket 
http://bugzilla.icculus.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4795 .

     Proposed patch improve the new behavior of the Openbox menus.
     One of the items of a submenu may be marked as default item by 
placing the "*" character as a first character of a item label.
     If a marked item present in a submenu, then corresponding line of 
the parent menu is marked in the special manner - the triangle inside of 
the square, as in the OS/2. Left button click or the "Enter" key 
pressing executes the default item of the submenu immediately, without 
the additional keyboard or mouse actions with the submenu. The right 
button and the "Right" key hold their old behavior (expand and select 
the submenu). Left button click inside the square expand a submenu also.
     Image of the mark of a submenu whith default item is 
theme-configurable, filename is "bullet_def.xbm" (this is a new theme file).
     This patch based on the Dana's work branch, 

Yours truly Alexey
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