[openbox] move mous cursor with window when moving to edge

Dana Jansens dana at orodu.net
Thu May 6 13:38:44 EDT 2010

On 2010-05-05, at 4:38 AM, all-lists at stefan-klinger.de wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm just about to move from FVWM to Openbox because of some of its rather cool
> features (Key chains, nice Alt-Tab dialogue, ...). There are some things though,
> I could not manage to work for me, and I wonder how they could be set up. Here's
> one:
> Setup (excerpt):
>  <openbox_config xmlns="http://openbox.org/3.4/rc">
>    <focus>
>      <followMouse>yes</followMouse>
>      <underMouse>yes</underMouse>
>      ...
>    </focus>
>    <keyboard>
>      <keybind key="W-m"><action name="Move"/></keybind>
>      <keybind key="W-Right"><action name="MoveToEdgeEast"/></keybind>
>      ...
>    </keyboard>
>  </openbox_config>
> Note, that I rely on the focus settings, switching them off is not an option for
> me.
> When I move a window with the keyboard [W-m Right Right Return], the mouse
> cursor moves with it, which is fine. Since I rely on
> <underMouse>yes</underMouse>, leaving the cursor in place would switch the focus
> to another window when the window-to-be-moved "left" the cursor.
> When I move a window with the keyboard to an edge, e.g., [W-Right W-Right], the
> mouse cursor *dose*not* move with it. That's bad, because I usually want to move
> the window a couple of edges away, but if the window-to-be-moved "left" the
> cursor, another (lower) window will recieve the focus and be moved instead.

I am wondering if you are aware how underMouse works. underMouse means that when you move a window without moving the mouse, the focus stays under the mouse.  If you keep followMouse on and underMouse off, you can move things with the keyboard and focus stays in them since the mouse did not move.

> Is there an option to solve this? I was looking for something like
>  <keybind key="W-Right">
>    <action name="MoveToEdgeEast">
>      <warpMouse>yes</warpMouse>
>    </action>
>  </keybind>
> but could not find anything alike.

We haven't had a situation where a combination of underMouse and followMouse didn't work, so this does not exist right now.

Note also, that just because the mouse moved would _not_ guarantee that it stayed in the moving window, if the window is not the highest in the stacking order.  So underMouse=true could still end up moving the focus away from the moving window in this case.

To me it seems that underMouse should be off for you, but maybe you can explain further your requirements.


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