Application specific rules

Jehan jehan at
Sun Oct 28 18:12:32 EDT 2007


two questions today:

1/ In my rc.xml, I try to have applications specific rules.
For instance, here is the output when I click on Firefox while running
"xprop WM_CLASS":
WM_CLASS(STRING) = "Gecko", "Firefox-bin"

Thus following the "manual" or the comment of the default rc.xml, here
is the rule I created:

<application name="Gecko" class="Firefox-bin">

But this is as if I wrote no rule at all! It will open in any desktop,
and it will take the focus anyway. I don't understand. I have OpenBox
3.4.2. Is there some known bug in this version about the appli's
specific rules? Or is there something else to do?


2/ Plus, is there a way to have as a default behaviour (unless
overwritten by an appli specific rule, if there were working) which
makes an application to open in the desktop where you run the command
(or click the menu item) from?
This has no interest with fast launching application, but when you run
an appli like Firefox, Gimp, or OpenOffice, they take maybe 10 seconds
before being completely up and running. Hence I don't like waiting
stupidly. Moreover if I do something else, they will suddenly just "pop"
and take the focus.

That's why the idea is for instance to go on desktop X, run "gimp", then
switch now to desktop Y to do something else, and gimp will simply pop
in desktop X, without me to see it or being disturbed (then I will go
whenever I want later).
Is it possible in OpenBox? I know this kind of thing is possible in some
other manager because a friend using Gnome told me he has this
behaviour. And this in OpenBox would make this manager even greater!


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