Fwd: [openbox] pipemenu things

Kacper Wysocki kacperw at online.no
Sun Apr 2 07:38:24 EDT 2006

2006/4/2, David Barr <david at chalkskeletons.com>:
> OK, i have a rough page up, it is small but it is on the grow, so they
> say. yeah sure, it's html, what of it? why should it be more
> complicated? damn i made myself angry about using html.
> http://david.chalkskeletons.com/scripts.html
> i need more mention of authors, i know, i will fix it up
> cheers
> David

Hi David,

I wrote/modified/extended a file browser script (uses rox or
configurable app to launch files) which you can find at


It's not perfect though, and there are, from what I remember, a couple
other scripts out there that do similar things that may or may not be
better to use. If it were possible to search the ob-list archive you
could easily find these searching for 'pipemenus'. Or use google,
which is probably worth doing if you want to make the ultimate
pipemenu site :-)

Other ideas for pipe menus which I might or might not get around to making:
*system status monitor ala gkrellm - cpu, disk, mem, net, process table
*weather monitor
*todo list


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