[openbox] OB very slow to open over GNOME

LostSon lostson at lostsonsvault.org
Thu Jun 16 01:36:15 EDT 2005

Hash: SHA1

Richard Witt wrote:
> * Holly Bostick <motub at planet.nl> [2005-06-15 17:25]:
>>>Whoops i didnt quite phrase this right at all. My main ideas was is why
>>>run gnome at all why not jsut use
>>>openbox by itself. For instance i use openbox by itself with pypanel and
>>>thats about it.
>>>- --
>>Well, in my case, that's what I just switched from doing, and what I
>>would say I "normally" do (if anyone cared to ask). What's different
>>about this system (new Gentoo install after I broke my last one) is that
>>I'm using the tray a *lot*. Tray applets (mail notification or gnubiff,
>>kwikdisk), apps that minimize to tray (azureus sometimes, krusader) and
>>I've been experimenting with alltray for everything else. Pypanel is not
>>handling this well at all. Maybe it's that pypanel's tray implementation
>>is not robust, maybe it's a bug; I can't tell. fbpanel wasn't much
>>better, I can't get perlpanel to run, f*cking small panel doesn't
>>support transparency, and I am *not* going to run kicker. So I thought
>>I'd try gnome-panel to see if it would work better, but-- as mentioned--
>>gnome-panel is one of those GNOME apps that works a whole lot better
>>under GNOME than not. So that's how I wound up here.
> I have had problems with pypanel also. I ran it for quite some time ok,
> but then i started having it coredump on me. I tried stable and
> experimental (in gentoo's portage) and both did it. Currently i am using
> fbpanel just fine. Not really concerned with transparency that much.

 Odd i have been using pypanel for a while now and its been rock solid
for me ??
>>But it's good to hear that about gnome-session; I'd be ok with running
>>just that and the panel under pure OB, now that I have some assurance
>>that that constitutes a sufficient GNOME backend for most GNOME apps.
> Try xfce4-panel. It fires up some kind of session handling also. All
> your gtk apps will look the same. I dont know about transparency for it
> though other than if you use the composite extension for X. Plus you get
> the added benefit of something that you can configure a few buttons for.
> Also if you are looking for something just to handle tray icons like
> gaim, amarok and such, check out trayer that comes with fvwm-crystal. If
> you run gentoo it is in portage as just "trayer". It is a transparent
> systray only based on some of fbpanels code. I know it worked pretty
> good when i was playing with fvwm-crystal. 

- --


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