[openbox] Remove decoration automatically

Miguel Bazdresch ob-01 at thewizardstower.org
Mon May 10 06:12:46 EDT 2004

* Pär Johansson <par-joha at dsv.su.se> [2004-05-10 10:39]:
> I would like to automatically remove the decoration (as happens when you
> right click on a programs titlebar and select 'Decorate') when I start
> xterm (for which I've created a keybinding, C-A-t).
> Is this possible?

One possible way to do this is as follows, if you have the option to
focus on new windows enabled:

bind C-A-t not to aterm but to a script
in the script, run aterm, then run xdpyinfo, grep and cut
  to find out the new aterm's window id
run wmctrl (patched to support undecorated) to undecorate the window

If this kind of solution appeals to you and you need more help, let me
know as I've done this sort of thing in the past.

Miguel Bazdresch

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