Window geometry information.

Zephaniah E. Hull warp at
Thu Jan 8 22:16:39 EST 2004

I am currently working on a few odd features, which I'll submit when

However I am currently still digging about the source trying to find
some window geometry information.

I have found the ObClient for what I want (the window currently in
focus), however what I need is the x and y for the window's display
area, and the width and height.

Note, not the entire window, just the part that the application actually

Hopefully it is hiding in one of the fields and I'm just blind or
confused. (=:]


Zephaniah E. Hull.

	1024D/E65A7801 Zephaniah E. Hull <warp at>
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	    CCs of replies from mailing lists are requested.

The story includes this array of huge rhymes-with-hell machines, all running
screensavers, the power and SAN cables neatly run between them... and the
disused tape-storage closet stuffed with old Sun boxen still humming quietly
away.  - adb in ASR on rumours of a flawless SunOS to NT site cutover.
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