[openbox] better workspace changing patch

Ben Jansens ben at orodu.net
Sun Aug 25 03:33:39 EDT 2002

On Sat, Aug 24, 2002 at 12:03:25AM -0400, Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper wrote:
> Attached is a patch that: 
> - stops XUnmap/XMap'ing sticky windows on a workspace change.  Doing so
> causes all sticky windows to flash when you change workspaces, and was
> strictly annoying.
> - adds a check to showAll() to map a window if it's supposed to be
> visible, but isn't (openbox/blackbox crashes/is killed, etc., and kicker
> decides to XUnmap all windows, etc., etc.)
> - runs the following logic on a workspace change:
> focus mode and focus it if we find it
> asked to focus the last window, try to do so
> The affect of this patch is a much-cleaner transition between
> workspaces.  No longer do my windows flash from being unmapped/mapped on
> workspace changes.  I've tested this running in kde3's environment, with
> openbox running instead of kwin, as well (briefly) in a regular openbox
> environment.
> Um.  Okay, bye.

Thanks for the patch vanRijn. I commited it with a few changes.

a) It segfaulted if focused == 0
b) you dont need to explicitly call blackbox->setFocusedWindow(), that
happens in the FocusIn event handler.
c) I check isStartup() instead of isVisible() because, when yuo asay
that only works for the first workspace.. you dont have different
sticky windows on other workspaces, theyre all on the first workspace

I am damn unsatisfied to be killed in this way.
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