r3361 - in trunk/data/qcsrc/client: . old

DONOTREPLY at icculus.org DONOTREPLY at icculus.org
Tue Feb 12 15:47:38 EST 2008

Author: urre
Date: 2008-02-12 15:47:36 -0500 (Tue, 12 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 3361

Added a clientside QuakeC base by Dresk and myself. Included an example of a networked clientside client

Added: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/Defs.qc
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/Defs.qc	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/Defs.qc	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+#pragma flag off fastarrays // make dp behave with new fteqcc versions. remove when dp bug with fteqcc fastarrays is fixed
+//feel free to look though. :)
+#define CSQC 1
+// system globals
+entity		self;
+entity		other;
+entity		world;
+float		time;
+float		frametime;
+float 		player_localentnum;	//the entnum
+float 		player_localnum;	//the playernum
+float		maxclients;	//a constant filled in by the engine. gah, portability eh?
+float		clientcommandframe;	//player movement
+float		servercommandframe;	//clientframe echoed off the server
+string		mapname;
+// global variables set by built in functions
+vector		v_forward, v_up, v_right;	// set by makevectors()
+// set by traceline / tracebox
+float		trace_allsolid;
+float		trace_startsolid;
+float		trace_fraction;
+vector		trace_endpos;
+vector		trace_plane_normal;
+float		trace_plane_dist;
+entity		trace_ent;
+float		trace_inopen;
+float		trace_inwater;
+// required prog functions
+void()		CSQC_Init;
+void()		CSQC_Shutdown;
+float(float f, float t, float n)	CSQC_InputEvent;
+void()		CSQC_UpdateView;
+float(string s)	CSQC_ConsoleCommand;
+//these fields are read and set by the default player physics
+vector		pmove_org;
+vector		pmove_vel;
+vector		pmove_mins;
+vector		pmove_maxs;
+//retrieved from the current movement commands (read by player physics)
+float		input_timelength;
+vector		input_angles;
+vector		input_movevalues;	//forwards, right, up.
+float		input_buttons;		//attack, use, jump (default physics only uses jump)
+float		movevar_gravity;
+float		movevar_stopspeed;
+float		movevar_maxspeed;
+float		movevar_spectatormaxspeed;	//used by NOCLIP movetypes.
+float		movevar_accelerate;
+float		movevar_airaccelerate;
+float		movevar_wateraccelerate;
+float		movevar_friction;
+float		movevar_waterfriction;
+float		movevar_entgravity;	//the local player's gravity field. Is a multiple (1 is the normal value)
+void		end_sys_globals;		// flag for structure dumping
+// system fields (*** = do not set in prog code, maintained by C code)
+.float		modelindex;		// *** model index in the precached list
+.vector		absmin, absmax;	// *** origin + mins / maxs
+.float		entnum;	// *** the ent number as on the server
+.float		drawmask;
+.void()		predraw;
+.float		movetype;
+.float		solid;
+.vector		origin;			// ***
+.vector		oldorigin;		// ***
+.vector		velocity;
+.vector		angles;
+.vector		avelocity;
+.string		classname;		// spawn function
+.string		model;
+.float		frame;
+.float		skin;
+.float		effects;
+.vector		mins, maxs;		// bounding box extents reletive to origin
+.vector		size;			// maxs - mins
+.void()		touch;
+.void()		use;
+.void()		think;
+.void()		blocked;		// for doors or plats, called when can't push other
+.float		nextthink;
+.entity		chain;
+.string		netname;
+.entity 	enemy;
+.float		flags;
+.float		colormap;
+.entity		owner;		// who launched a missile
+void		end_sys_fields;			// flag for structure dumping
+// Additional OPTIONAL Fields and Globals
+float		intermission;
+float		sb_showscores;
+.string		message;
+float		coop;
+float		deathmatch;
+float		dmg_take;
+float		dmg_save;
+vector		dmg_origin;
+// Darkplaces Render Modifications
+.float alpha;
+.float renderflags;
+.vector colormod;
+.float scale;
+// Basic variables
+.float enttype; // entity type sent from server
+.float sv_entnum; // entity number sent from server
+float vid_conwidth, vid_conheight;
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/Main.qc
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/Main.qc	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/Main.qc	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSQC_Init : Called every time the CSQC code is initialized (essentially at map load)
+// Useful for precaching things
+void CSQC_Init(void)
+// CSQC_Shutdown : Called every time the CSQC code is shutdown (changing maps, quitting, etc)
+void CSQC_Shutdown(void)
+// CSQC_ConsoleCommand : Used to parse commands in the console that have been registered with the "registercmd" function
+// Return value should be 1 if CSQC handled the command, otherwise return 0 to have the engine handle it.
+float CSQC_ConsoleCommand(string strMessage)
+	local float nReturn;
+	local string s;
+	local vector v;
+		nReturn = FALSE;
+	// Tokenize String
+	tokenize(strMessage);
+	// Acquire Command
+	local string strCmd;
+		strCmd = argv(0);
+	/*
+	if (strCmd == "+forward")
+	{
+		// blah
+		nReturn = TRUE;
+	}
+	*/
+	return nReturn;
+// CSQC_InputEvent : Used to perform actions based on any key pressed, key released and mouse on the client.
+// Return value should be 1 if CSQC handled the input, otherwise return 0 to have the input passed to the engine.
+// All keys are in ascii.
+// bInputType = 0 is key pressed, 1 is key released, 2 is mouse input.
+// In the case of keyboard input, nPrimary is the ascii code, and nSecondary is 0.
+// In the case of mouse input, nPrimary is xdelta, nSecondary is ydelta.
+float CSQC_InputEvent(float bInputType, float nPrimary, float nSecondary)
+	local float bSkipKey;
+		bSkipKey = false;
+	return bSkipKey;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSQC_Ent_Update : Called every frame that the server has indicated an update to the SSQC / CSQC entity has occured.
+// The only parameter reflects if the entity is "new" to the client, meaning it just came into the client's PVS.
+void(float bIsNewEntity) CSQC_Ent_Update =
+	self.enttype = ReadByte();
+	/*
+	if (self.enttype == ENT_CLIENT)
+	{
+		setmodelindex(self, ReadShort());
+		self.origin_x = ReadCoord();
+		self.origin_y = ReadCoord();
+		self.origin_z = ReadCoord();
+		self.angles_x = ReadCoord();
+		self.angles_y = ReadCoord();
+		self.angles_z = ReadCoord();
+		self.sv_entnum = ReadShort();
+		setorigin(self, self.origin); // relink
+		if (bIsNewEntity)
+		{
+			setsize(self, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
+			self.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL;
+			self.think = Client_Think;
+			self.nextthink = time;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+		error("unknown entity type in CSQC_Ent_Update\n");
+	*/
+// CSQC_Ent_Remove : Called when the server requests a SSQC / CSQC entity to be removed.  Essentially call remove(self) as well.
+void CSQC_Ent_Remove()
+	remove(self);
+// CSQC_Parse_StuffCmd : Provides the stuffcmd string in the first parameter that the server provided.  To execute standard behavior, simply execute localcmd with the string.
+void CSQC_Parse_StuffCmd(string strMessage)
+	localcmd(strMessage);
+// CSQC_Parse_Print : Provides the print string in the first parameter that the server provided.  To execute standard behavior, simply execute print with the string.
+void CSQC_Parse_Print(string strMessage)
+	print(strMessage);
+// CSQC_Parse_CenterPrint : Provides the centerprint string in the first parameter that the server provided.  To execute standard behavior, simply execute cprint with the string.
+void CSQC_Parse_CenterPrint(string strMessage)
+	cprint(strMessage);
+// CSQC_Parse_TempEntity : Handles all temporary entity network data in the CSQC layer.
+// You must ALWAYS first acquire the temporary ID, which is sent as a byte.
+// Return value should be 1 if CSQC handled the temporary entity, otherwise return 0 to have the engine process the event.
+float CSQC_Parse_TempEntity()
+	local float bHandled;
+		bHandled  = true;
+	// Acquire TE ID
+	local float nTEID;
+		nTEID = ReadByte();
+	switch(nTEID)
+	{
+		//case TE_GUNSHOT:
+		//	Do something cool with TE_GUNSHOT!
+		//	break;
+		default:
+			// No special logic for this temporary entity; return 0 so the engine can handle it
+			bHandled = false;
+			break;
+	}
+	return bHandled;
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/View.qc
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/View.qc	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/View.qc	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// CSQC_UpdateView - Called every rendered frame on the client.  Useful for HUD drawing operations.
+void CSQC_UpdateView(void)
+	// ALWAYS Clear Current Scene First
+	R_ClearScene();
+	// Assign Standard Viewflags
+	// Draw the World (and sky)
+	R_SetView(VF_DRAWWORLD, 1);
+	// Draw the Crosshair
+	// Draw the Engine Status Bar (the default Quake HUD)
+	// Set the console size vars
+	vid_conwidth = cvar("vid_conwidth");
+	vid_conheight = cvar("vid_conheight");
+	// Update the mouse position
+	/*
+	mousepos_x = vid_conwidth;
+	mousepos_y = vid_conheight;
+	mousepos = mousepos*0.5 + getmousepos();
+	*/
+	// Update the camera
+	/*
+	UpdateCamera();
+	R_SetView(VF_ORIGIN, self.origin);
+	R_SetView(VF_ANGLES, self.angles);
+	*/
+	// Setup Entities to be Rendered (include all base types; normal, engine and viewmodels)
+	// Render the Scene
+	R_RenderScene();
+	// Draw the mouse cursor
+	// NOTE: drawpic must happen after R_RenderScene for some reason
+	//drawpic(mousepos, "gfx/cursor.tga", '11 14 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0);
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/credit.txt
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/credit.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/credit.txt	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Credits go to Dresk for putting this CSQC scratch source together.
+and Urre :o
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/csqc_builtins.h
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/csqc_builtins.h	2008-02-12 17:28:43 UTC (rev 3360)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/csqc_builtins.h	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-void (vector ang)							makevectors = #1;
-void(entity e, vector o) setorigin	= #2;
-void (entity e, string m)						setmodel = #3;
-void ()									break = #6;
-float ()								random = #7;
-void (entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten)	sound = #8;
-vector (vector v)							normalize = #9;
-void (string e)								error = #10;
-void (string e)								objerror = #11;
-float (vector v)							vlen = #12;
-float (vector v)							vectoyaw = #13;
-entity ()								spawn = #14;
-void (entity e)								remove = #15;
-void (vector v1, vector v2, float nomonsters, entity forent)		traceline = #16;
-entity (entity start, .string fld, string match)			find = #18;
-string (string s)							precache_sound = #19;
-string (string s)							precache_model = #20;
-void (string s)								dprint = #25;
-string (float f)							ftos = #26;
-string (vector v)							vtos = #27;
-void ()									coredump = #28;
-void ()									traceon = #29;
-void ()									traceoff = #30;
-void (entity e)								eprint = #31;
-float (float v)								rint = #36;
-float (float v)								floor = #37;
-float (float v)								ceil = #38;
-float (vector v)							pointcontents = #41;
-float (float f)								fabs = #43;
-float (string s)							cvar = #45;
-void (string s, ...)							localcmd = #46;
-entity (entity e)							nextent = #47;
-vector (vector v)							vectoangles = #51;
-void (string var, string val)						cvar_set = #72;
-float()									ReadByte = #360;
-float()									ReadChar = #361;
-float()									ReadShort = #362;
-float()									ReadLong = #363;
-float()									ReadCoord = #364;
-float()									ReadAngle = #365;
-string()								ReadString = #366;	//warning: this returns a temporary!
-float(string s)								stof = #81;
-void (vector v1, vector min, vector max, vector v2, float nomonsters, entity forent)	tracebox = #90;
-float (string name, string value)					registercvar = #93;
-entity (entity start, .entity fld, entity match)			findentity = #98;
-entity (entity start, .float fld, float match)				findfloat = #98;
-float (string s)							checkextension = #99;
-float (string filename, float mode)					fopen = #110;
-void (float fhandle)							fclose = #111;
-string (float fhandle)							fgets = #112;
-void (float fhandle, string s)						fputs = #113;
-float (string s)							strlen = #114;
-string (...)								strcat = #115;
-string (string s, float start, float length)				substring = #116;
-vector (string s)							stov = #117;
-string (string s)							strzone = #118;
-void (string s)								strunzone = #119;
-void ()									R_ClearScene = #300;
-void (float mask)							R_AddEntities = #301;
-void (entity e)								R_AddEntity = #302;
-float (float property, ...)						R_SetView = #303;
-void ()									R_RenderScene = #304;
-void (vector org, float radius, vector rgb)				R_AddDynamicLight = #305;
-void ()									R_CalcRefDef = #306;
-vector (vector v)							cs_unproject = #310;
-vector (vector v)							cs_project = #311;
-void	drawline(float width, vector pos1, vector pos2, vector rgb, float alpha, float flags) = #315;
-float	iscachedpic(string name)	= #316;
-string	precache_pic(string name, ...)	= #317;
-vector	drawgetimagesize(string pic) = #318;
-void	freepic(string name)		= #319;
-float	drawcharacter(vector position, float character, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #320;
-float	drawstring(vector position, string text, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #321;
-float	drawpic(vector position, string pic, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #322;
-float	drawfill(vector position, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #323;
-void	drawsetcliparea(float x, float y, float width, float height) = #324;
-void	drawresetcliparea(void) = #325;
-float (float statnum)							getstatf = #330;
-float (float statnum)							getstati = #331;
-string (float statnum)							getstats = #332;
-void (entity e, float i)						setmodelindex = #333;
-string (float i)							modelnameforindex = #334;
-float(string efname)							particleseffectforname = #335;
-void(entity ent, float effectnum, vector start, vector end, ...)	trailparticles = #336;
-void (float efnum, vector org, vector vel, float countmultiplier)	pointparticles = #337;
-void (string s, ...)							cprint = #338;
-void (string s, ...)							print = #339;
-void (float scale)							setsensitivityscale = #347;
-void (float framenum)							RetrieveMovementFrame = #345;
-void ()									DefaultPlayerPhysics = #347;
-string (float playernum, string key)					getplayerkey = #348;
-void (string cmdname)							registercmd = #352;
-vector ()								getmousepos = #344;
-string (string s) 							uncolorstring = #170;
-float ()								playernum = #354;
-void (vector org, vector forward, vector right, vector up)		setlistener = #351;
-float (vector start, vector end, float ignore, float csqcents)		selecttraceline = #355;
-float ()								isdemo = #349;
-float ()								isserver = #350;
-void (float f)								setwantsmousemove = #343;
-string (float key)							getkeybind = #342;
-string (float f)							chr = #78;
-vector (vector org)							getlight = #92;
-entity (.string fld, string match)					findchain = #402;
-entity (.float fld, float match)					findchainflags = #450;
-entity (.entity fld, entity match)					findchainentity = #403;
-entity (.float fld, float match)					findchainfloat = #403;
-entity (entity start, .entity fld, float match)				findflags = #449;
-float (string pattern, float caseinsensitive, float quiet)		search_begin = #444;
-void (float handle)							search_end = #445;
-float (float handle)							search_getsize = #446;
-string (float handle, float num)					search_getfilename = #447;
-float (entity e, float s)						getsurfacenumpoints = #434;
-vector (entity e, float s, float n)					getsurfacepoint = #435;
-vector (entity e, float s)						getsurfacenormal = #436;
-string (entity e, float s)						getsurfacetexture = #437;
-float (entity e, vector p)						getsurfacenearpoint = #438;
-vector (entity e, float s, vector p)					getsurfaceclippedpoint = #439;
-float (float a, float b) min = #94;
-float (float a, float b, float c) min3 = #94;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d) min4 = #94;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e) min5 = #94;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) min6 = #94;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g) min7 = #94;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g, float h) min8 = #94;
-float (float a, float b) max = #95;
-float (float a, float b, float c) max3 = #95;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d) max4 = #95;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e) max5 = #95;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) max6 = #95;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g) max7 = #95;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g, float h) max8 = #95;
-float (float minimum, float val, float maximum) bound = #96;
-vector () randomvec = #91;
-float (float val)		sin = #60;
-float (float val)		cos = #61;
-float (float val)		sqrt = #62;
-float (float a, float b)	pow = #97;
-void (vector org, string modelname, float startframe, float endframe, float framerate) effect = #404;
-void (vector org, vector velocity, float howmany) te_blood = #405;
-void (vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, float explosionspeed, float howmany) te_bloodshower = #406;
-void (vector org, float radius, float lifetime, vector color) te_customflash = #417;
-void(vector org, vector color) te_explosionrgb = #407;
-void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color, float gravityflag, float randomveljitter) te_particlecube = #408;
-void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color) te_particlerain = #409;
-void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color) te_particlesnow = #410;
-void(vector org) te_plasmaburn = #433;
-void(vector org) te_gunshotquad = #412;
-void(vector org) te_spikequad = #413;
-void(vector org) te_superspikequad = #414;
-void(vector org) te_explosionquad = #415;
-void(vector org) te_smallflash = #416;
-void(vector org, vector vel, float howmany) te_spark = #411;
-void(vector org) te_gunshot = #418;
-void(vector org) te_spike = #419;
-void(vector org) te_superspike = #420;
-void(vector org) te_explosion = #421;
-void(vector org) te_tarexplosion = #422;
-void(vector org) te_wizspike = #423;
-void(vector org) te_knightspike = #424;
-void(vector org) te_lavasplash = #425;
-void(vector org) te_teleport = #426;
-void(vector org, float color, float colorlength) te_explosion2 = #427;
-void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_lightning1 = #428;
-void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_lightning2 = #429;
-void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_lightning3 = #430;
-void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_beam = #431;
-float (entity ent, string tagname)	gettagindex = #451;
-vector (entity ent, float tagindex)	gettaginfo = #452;
-float (string s)	tokenize = #441;
-string (float argnum)	argv = #442;
-string (string s) cvar_string = #448;
-float ()						buf_create = #460;
-void (float bufhandle)					buf_del = #461;
-float (float bufhandle)					buf_getsize = #462;
-void (float bufhandle_from, float bufhandle_to)		buf_copy = #463;
-void (float bufhandle, float sortpower, float backward)	buf_sort = #464;
-string (float bufhandle, string glue)			buf_implode = #465;
-string (float bufhandle, float string_index)		bufstr_get = #466;
-void (float bufhandle, float string_index, string str)	bufstr_set = #467;
-float (float bufhandle, string str, float order)	bufstr_add = #468;
-void (float bufhandle, float string_index)		bufstr_free = #469;
-float () onground = #355;
-void(string texturename, ...) R_BeginPolygon = #306;
-void(vector org, vector texcoords, vector rgb, float alpha) R_PolygonVertex = #307;
-void() R_EndPolygon = #308;
-float(string s, float num) charindex = #356;

Added: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/csqc_builtins.qc
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/csqc_builtins.qc	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/csqc_builtins.qc	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+void (vector ang)							makevectors = #1;
+void(entity e, vector o) setorigin	= #2;
+void (entity e, string m)						setmodel = #3;
+void(entity e, vector min, vector max) setsize = #4;
+void ()									break = #6;
+float ()								random = #7;
+void (entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten)	sound = #8;
+vector (vector v)							normalize = #9;
+void (string e)								error = #10;
+void (string e)								objerror = #11;
+float (vector v)							vlen = #12;
+float (vector v)							vectoyaw = #13;
+entity ()								spawn = #14;
+void (entity e)								remove = #15;
+void (vector v1, vector v2, float nomonsters, entity forent)		traceline = #16;
+entity (entity start, .string fld, string match)			find = #18;
+string (string s)							precache_sound = #19;
+string (string s)							precache_model = #20;
+void (string s)								dprint = #25;
+string (float f)							ftos = #26;
+string (vector v)							vtos = #27;
+void ()									coredump = #28;
+void ()									traceon = #29;
+void ()									traceoff = #30;
+void (entity e)								eprint = #31;
+float (float v)								rint = #36;
+float (float v)								floor = #37;
+float (float v)								ceil = #38;
+float (vector v)							pointcontents = #41;
+float (float f)								fabs = #43;
+float (string s)							cvar = #45;
+void (string s, ...)							localcmd = #46;
+entity (entity e)							nextent = #47;
+vector (vector v)							vectoangles = #51;
+void (string var, string val)						cvar_set = #72;
+float()									ReadByte = #360;
+float()									ReadChar = #361;
+float()									ReadShort = #362;
+float()									ReadLong = #363;
+float()									ReadCoord = #364;
+float()									ReadAngle = #365;
+string()								ReadString = #366;	//warning: this returns a temporary!
+float(string s)								stof = #81;
+void (vector v1, vector min, vector max, vector v2, float nomonsters, entity forent)	tracebox = #90;
+float (string name, string value)					registercvar = #93;
+entity (entity start, .entity fld, entity match)			findentity = #98;
+entity (entity start, .float fld, float match)				findfloat = #98;
+float (string s)							checkextension = #99;
+float (string filename, float mode)					fopen = #110;
+void (float fhandle)							fclose = #111;
+string (float fhandle)							fgets = #112;
+void (float fhandle, string s)						fputs = #113;
+float (string s)							strlen = #114;
+string (...)								strcat = #115;
+string (string s, float start, float length)				substring = #116;
+vector (string s)							stov = #117;
+string (string s)							strzone = #118;
+void (string s)								strunzone = #119;
+void ()									R_ClearScene = #300;
+void (float mask)							R_AddEntities = #301;
+void (entity e)								R_AddEntity = #302;
+float (float property, ...)						R_SetView = #303;
+void ()									R_RenderScene = #304;
+void (vector org, float radius, vector rgb)				R_AddDynamicLight = #305;
+void ()									R_CalcRefDef = #306;
+vector (vector v)							cs_unproject = #310;
+vector (vector v)							cs_project = #311;
+void	drawline(float width, vector pos1, vector pos2, vector rgb, float alpha, float flags) = #315;
+float	iscachedpic(string name)	= #316;
+string	precache_pic(string name, ...)	= #317;
+vector	drawgetimagesize(string pic) = #318;
+void	freepic(string name)		= #319;
+float	drawcharacter(vector position, float character, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #320;
+float	drawstring(vector position, string text, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #321;
+float	drawpic(vector position, string pic, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #322;
+float	drawfill(vector position, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #323;
+void	drawsetcliparea(float x, float y, float width, float height) = #324;
+void	drawresetcliparea(void) = #325;
+float	drawcolorcodedstring(vector position, string text, vector scale, float alpha, float flag) = #326;
+float (float statnum)							getstatf = #330;
+float (float statnum)							getstati = #331;
+string (float statnum)							getstats = #332;
+void (entity e, float i)						setmodelindex = #333;
+string (float i)							modelnameforindex = #334;
+float(string efname)							particleeffectnum = #335;
+void(entity ent, float effectnum, vector start, vector end, ...)	trailparticles = #336;
+void (float efnum, vector org, vector vel, float countmultiplier)	pointparticles = #337;
+void (string s, ...)							cprint = #338;
+void (string s, ...)							print = #339;
+void (float scale)							setsensitivityscale = #347;
+void (float framenum)							RetrieveMovementFrame = #345;
+void ()									DefaultPlayerPhysics = #347;
+string (float playernum, string key)					getplayerkey = #348;
+void (string cmdname)							registercmd = #352;
+vector ()								getmousepos = #344;
+string (string s) 							uncolorstring = #170;
+float ()								playernum = #354;
+void (vector org, vector forward, vector right, vector up)		setlistener = #351;
+float (vector start, vector end, float ignore, float csqcents)		selecttraceline = #355;
+float ()								isdemo = #349;
+float ()								isserver = #350;
+void (float f)								setwantsmousemove = #343;
+string (float key)							getkeybind = #342;
+string (float f)							chr = #78;
+vector (vector org)							getlight = #92;
+entity (.string fld, string match)					findchain = #402;
+entity (.float fld, float match)					findchainflags = #450;
+entity (.entity fld, entity match)					findchainentity = #403;
+entity (.float fld, float match)					findchainfloat = #403;
+entity (entity start, .entity fld, float match)				findflags = #449;
+float (string pattern, float caseinsensitive, float quiet)		search_begin = #444;
+void (float handle)							search_end = #445;
+float (float handle)							search_getsize = #446;
+string (float handle, float num)					search_getfilename = #447;
+float (entity e, float s)						getsurfacenumpoints = #434;
+vector (entity e, float s, float n)					getsurfacepoint = #435;
+vector (entity e, float s)						getsurfacenormal = #436;
+string (entity e, float s)						getsurfacetexture = #437;
+float (entity e, vector p)						getsurfacenearpoint = #438;
+vector (entity e, float s, vector p)					getsurfaceclippedpoint = #439;
+float (float a, float b) min = #94;
+float (float a, float b, float c) min3 = #94;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d) min4 = #94;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e) min5 = #94;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) min6 = #94;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g) min7 = #94;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g, float h) min8 = #94;
+float (float a, float b) max = #95;
+float (float a, float b, float c) max3 = #95;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d) max4 = #95;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e) max5 = #95;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) max6 = #95;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g) max7 = #95;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g, float h) max8 = #95;
+float (float minimum, float val, float maximum) bound = #96;
+vector () randomvec = #91;
+float (float val)		sin = #60;
+float (float val)		cos = #61;
+float (float val)		sqrt = #62;
+float (float a, float b)	pow = #97;
+void (vector org, string modelname, float startframe, float endframe, float framerate) effect = #404;
+void (vector org, vector velocity, float howmany) te_blood = #405;
+void (vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, float explosionspeed, float howmany) te_bloodshower = #406;
+void (vector org, float radius, float lifetime, vector color) te_customflash = #417;
+void(vector org, vector color) te_explosionrgb = #407;
+void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color, float gravityflag, float randomveljitter) te_particlecube = #408;
+void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color) te_particlerain = #409;
+void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color) te_particlesnow = #410;
+void(vector org) te_plasmaburn = #433;
+void(vector org) te_gunshotquad = #412;
+void(vector org) te_spikequad = #413;
+void(vector org) te_superspikequad = #414;
+void(vector org) te_explosionquad = #415;
+void(vector org) te_smallflash = #416;
+void(vector org, vector vel, float howmany) te_spark = #411;
+void(vector org) te_gunshot = #418;
+void(vector org) te_spike = #419;
+void(vector org) te_superspike = #420;
+void(vector org) te_explosion = #421;
+void(vector org) te_tarexplosion = #422;
+void(vector org) te_wizspike = #423;
+void(vector org) te_knightspike = #424;
+void(vector org) te_lavasplash = #425;
+void(vector org) te_teleport = #426;
+void(vector org, float color, float colorlength) te_explosion2 = #427;
+void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_lightning1 = #428;
+void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_lightning2 = #429;
+void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_lightning3 = #430;
+void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_beam = #431;
+float (entity ent, string tagname)	gettagindex = #451;
+vector (entity ent, float tagindex)	gettaginfo = #452;
+float (string s)	tokenize = #441;
+string (float argnum)	argv = #442;
+string (string s) cvar_string = #448;
+float ()						buf_create = #460;
+void (float bufhandle)					buf_del = #461;
+float (float bufhandle)					buf_getsize = #462;
+void (float bufhandle_from, float bufhandle_to)		buf_copy = #463;
+void (float bufhandle, float sortpower, float backward)	buf_sort = #464;
+string (float bufhandle, string glue)			buf_implode = #465;
+string (float bufhandle, float string_index)		bufstr_get = #466;
+void (float bufhandle, float string_index, string str)	bufstr_set = #467;
+float (float bufhandle, string str, float order)	bufstr_add = #468;
+void (float bufhandle, float string_index)		bufstr_free = #469;
+float () onground = #355;
+void(string texturename, ...) R_BeginPolygon = #306;
+void(vector org, vector texcoords, vector rgb, float alpha) R_PolygonVertex = #307;
+void() R_EndPolygon = #308;
+float(string s, float num) charindex = #356;
+// Darkplaces Additional Functions
+string(string s) strdecolorize = #477;
+string(string s) strtolower = #480; // returns the passed in string in pure lowercase form
+string(string s) strtoupper = #481; // returns the passed in string in pure uppercase form
+float(string s) strlennocol = #476;
+void(vector origin, string sample, float volume, float attenuation) pointsound = #483;
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/csqc_constants.h
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/csqc_constants.h	2008-02-12 17:28:43 UTC (rev 3360)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/csqc_constants.h	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-const entity NULL = world;
-const float MASK_ENGINE			= 1;
-const float MASK_NORMAL			= 4;
-const float RF_VIEWMODEL	= 1;
-const float RF_EXTERNALMODEL	= 2;
-const float RF_DEPTHHACK	= 4;
-const float RF_ADDATIVE		= 8;
-const float RF_USEAXIS		= 16;
-const float VF_MIN		= 1;	//(vector)
-const float VF_MIN_X		= 2;	//(float)
-const float VF_MIN_Y		= 3;	//(float)
-const float VF_SIZE		= 4;	//(vector) (viewport size)
-const float VF_SIZE_Y		= 5;	//(float)
-const float VF_SIZE_X		= 6;	//(float)
-const float VF_VIEWPORT		= 7;	//(vector, vector)
-const float VF_FOV		= 8;	//(vector)
-const float VF_FOVX		= 9;	//(float)
-const float VF_FOVY		= 10;	//(float)
-const float VF_ORIGIN		= 11;	//(vector)
-const float VF_ORIGIN_X		= 12;	//(float)
-const float VF_ORIGIN_Y		= 13;	//(float)
-const float VF_ORIGIN_Z		= 14;	//(float)
-const float VF_ANGLES		= 15;	//(vector)
-const float VF_ANGLES_X		= 16;	//(float)
-const float VF_ANGLES_Y		= 17;	//(float)
-const float VF_ANGLES_Z		= 18;	//(float)
-const float VF_DRAWWORLD	= 19;	//(float)
-const float VF_DRAWENGINESBAR	= 20;	//(float)
-const float VF_DRAWCROSSHAIR	= 21;	//(float)
-const float VF_CL_VIEWANGLES	= 33;	//(vector)
-const float VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_X	= 34;	//(float)
-const float VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_Y	= 35;	//(float)
-const float VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_Z	= 36;	//(float) 
-const float STAT_HEALTH		= 0;
-const float STAT_WEAPONMODEL	= 2;
-const float STAT_AMMO		= 3;
-const float STAT_ARMOR		= 4;
-const float STAT_WEAPONFRAME	= 5;
-const float STAT_SHELLS		= 6;
-const float STAT_NAILS		= 7;
-const float STAT_ROCKETS	= 8;
-const float STAT_CELLS		= 9;
-const float STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON	= 10;
-const float STAT_ITEMS		= 15;
-const float true	= 1;
-const float false	= 0;
-const float EXTRA_LOW = -99999999;
-const float EXTRA_HIGH = 99999999;
-const vector VEC_1	= '1 1 1';
-const vector VEC_0	= '0 0 0';
-const vector VEC_M1	= '-1 -1 -1';
-const float M_PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
-vector	VEC_HULL_MIN = '-16 -16 -24';
-vector	VEC_HULL_MAX = '16 16 32';
-const float EF_ADDITIVE		= 32;
-const float EF_BLUE		= 64;
-const float EF_FLAME		= 1024;
-const float EF_FULLBRIGHT	= 512;
-const float EF_NODEPTHTEST	= 8192;
-const float EF_NODRAW		= 16;
-const float EF_NOSHADOW		= 4096;
-const float EF_RED		= 128;
-const float EF_STARDUST		= 2048;
-const float EF_SELECTABLE 	= 16384;
-const float PFL_ONGROUND	= 1;
-const float PFL_CROUCH		= 2;
-const float PFL_DEAD		= 4;
-const float PFL_GIBBED		= 8;

Added: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/csqc_constants.qc
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/csqc_constants.qc	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/csqc_constants.qc	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+const entity	NULL							= world;
+// Mask Constants (set .drawmask on entities; use R_AddEntities to add all entities based on mask)
+const float		MASK_ENGINE						= 1;
+const float		MASK_ENGINEVIEWMODELS			= 2;
+const float		MASK_NORMAL						= 4;
+// Renderflag Constants (used for CSQC entities)
+const float		RF_VIEWMODEL					= 1;
+const float		RF_EXTERNALMODEL				= 2;
+const float		RF_DEPTHHACK					= 4;
+const float		RF_ADDITIVE						= 8;
+const float		RF_USEAXIS						= 16;
+// Viewflag Constants (use with R_SetView)
+const float		VF_MIN							= 1;	//(vector)
+const float		VF_MIN_X						= 2;	//(float)
+const float		VF_MIN_Y						= 3;	//(float)
+const float		VF_SIZE							= 4;	//(vector) (viewport size)
+const float		VF_SIZE_Y						= 5;	//(float)
+const float		VF_SIZE_X						= 6;	//(float)
+const float		VF_VIEWPORT						= 7;	//(vector, vector)
+const float		VF_FOV							= 8;	//(vector)
+const float		VF_FOVX							= 9;	//(float)
+const float		VF_FOVY							= 10;	//(float)
+const float		VF_ORIGIN						= 11;	//(vector)
+const float		VF_ORIGIN_X						= 12;	//(float)
+const float		VF_ORIGIN_Y						= 13;	//(float)
+const float		VF_ORIGIN_Z						= 14;	//(float)
+const float		VF_ANGLES						= 15;	//(vector)
+const float		VF_ANGLES_X						= 16;	//(float)
+const float		VF_ANGLES_Y						= 17;	//(float)
+const float		VF_ANGLES_Z						= 18;	//(float)
+const float		VF_DRAWWORLD					= 19;	//(float)
+const float		VF_DRAWENGINESBAR				= 20;	//(float)
+const float		VF_DRAWCROSSHAIR				= 21;	//(float)
+const float		VF_PERSPECTIVE					= 200;	//(float)
+const float		VF_CL_VIEWANGLES				= 33;	//(vector)
+const float		VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_X				= 34;	//(float)
+const float		VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_Y				= 35;	//(float)
+const float		VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_Z				= 36;	//(float) 
+// Server Autosent Stat Constants
+const float		STAT_HEALTH						= 0;
+const float		STAT_WEAPONMODEL				= 2;
+const float		STAT_AMMO						= 3;
+const float		STAT_ARMOR						= 4;
+const float		STAT_WEAPONFRAME				= 5;
+const float		STAT_SHELLS						= 6;
+const float		STAT_NAILS						= 7;
+const float		STAT_ROCKETS					= 8;
+const float		STAT_CELLS						= 9;
+const float		STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON				= 10;
+const float		STAT_TOTALSECRETS				= 11;
+const float		STAT_TOTALMONSTERS				= 12;
+const float		STAT_SECRETS					= 13;
+const float		STAT_MONSTERS					= 14;
+const float		STAT_ITEMS						= 15;
+const float		STAT_VIEWHEIGHT					= 16;
+// Sound Constants
+const float		CHAN_AUTO						= 0;
+const float		CHAN_WEAPON						= 1;
+const float		CHAN_VOICE						= 2;
+const float		CHAN_ITEM						= 3;
+const float		CHAN_BODY						= 4;
+const float		ATTN_NONE						= 0;
+const float		ATTN_NORM						= 1;
+const float		ATTN_IDLE						= 2;
+const float		ATTN_STATIC						= 3;
+// Quake-style Point Contents
+const float		CONTENT_EMPTY					= -1;
+const float		CONTENT_SOLID					= -2;
+const float		CONTENT_WATER					= -3;
+const float		CONTENT_SLIME					= -4;
+const float		CONTENT_LAVA					= -5;
+const float		CONTENT_SKY						= -6;
+// Boolean Constants
+const float		true							= 1;
+const float		false							= 0;
+const float 	TRUE							= 1;
+const float 	FALSE							= 0;
+// Vector / Hull Constants
+const vector	VEC_1							= '1 1 1';
+const vector	VEC_0							= '0 0 0';
+const vector	VEC_M1							= '-1 -1 -1';
+const vector	VEC_HULL_MIN 					= '-16 -16 -24';
+const vector	VEC_HULL_MAX 					= '16 16 32';
+// Effect Constants
+const float 	EF_NODRAW						= 16;
+const float 	EF_ADDITIVE						= 32;
+const float 	EF_BLUE							= 64;
+const float 	EF_RED							= 128;
+const float 	EF_FULLBRIGHT					= 512;
+const float 	EF_FLAME						= 1024;
+const float 	EF_STARDUST						= 2048;
+const float 	EF_NOSHADOW						= 4096;
+const float 	EF_NODEPTHTEST					= 8192;
+// Quake Player Flag Constants
+const float 	PFL_ONGROUND					= 1;
+const float 	PFL_CROUCH						= 2;
+const float 	PFL_DEAD						= 4;
+const float 	PFL_GIBBED						= 8;
+// Quake Temporary Entity Constants
+const float		TE_SPIKE						= 0;
+const float		TE_SUPERSPIKE					= 1;
+const float		TE_GUNSHOT						= 2;
+const float		TE_EXPLOSION					= 3;
+const float		TE_TAREXPLOSION					= 4;
+const float		TE_LIGHTNING1					= 5;
+const float		TE_LIGHTNING2					= 6;
+const float		TE_WIZSPIKE						= 7;
+const float		TE_KNIGHTSPIKE					= 8;
+const float		TE_LIGHTNING3					= 9;
+const float		TE_LAVASPLASH					= 10;
+const float		TE_TELEPORT						= 11;
+const float 	TE_EXPLOSION2					= 12;
+// Darkplaces Additions
+const float 	TE_EXPLOSIONRGB					= 53;
+const float		TE_GUNSHOTQUAD					= 57;
+const float		TE_EXPLOSIONQUAD 				= 70;
+// Math Constants
+const float 	M_PI 							= 3.14159265358979323846;
+const float 	EXTRA_LOW 						= -99999999;
+const float 	EXTRA_HIGH 						= 99999999;
+// Frik File Constants
+const float		FILE_READ						= 0;
+const float		FILE_APPEND						= 1;
+const float		FILE_WRITE						= 2;
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/defs.c
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/defs.c	2008-02-12 17:28:43 UTC (rev 3360)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/defs.c	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-#pragma flag off fastarrays // make dp behave with new fteqcc versions. remove when dp bug with fteqcc fastarrays is fixed
-//feel free to look though. :)
-#define CSQC 1
-// system globals
-entity		self;
-entity		other;
-entity		world;
-float		time;
-float		frametime;
-float 		player_localentnum;	//the entnum
-float 		player_localnum;	//the playernum
-float		maxclients;	//a constant filled in by the engine. gah, portability eh?
-float		clientcommandframe;	//player movement
-float		servercommandframe;	//clientframe echoed off the server
-string		mapname;
-// global variables set by built in functions
-vector		v_forward, v_up, v_right;	// set by makevectors()
-// set by traceline / tracebox
-float		trace_allsolid;
-float		trace_startsolid;
-float		trace_fraction;
-vector		trace_endpos;
-vector		trace_plane_normal;
-float		trace_plane_dist;
-entity		trace_ent;
-float		trace_inopen;
-float		trace_inwater;
-// required prog functions
-void()		CSQC_Init;
-void()		CSQC_Shutdown;
-float(float f, float t)	CSQC_InputEvent;
-void()		CSQC_UpdateView;
-void(string s)	CSQC_ConsoleCommand;
-//these fields are read and set by the default player physics
-vector		pmove_org;
-vector		pmove_vel;
-vector		pmove_mins;
-vector		pmove_maxs;
-//retrieved from the current movement commands (read by player physics)
-float		input_timelength;
-vector		input_angles;
-vector		input_movevalues;	//forwards, right, up.
-float		input_buttons;		//attack, use, jump (default physics only uses jump)
-float		movevar_gravity;
-float		movevar_stopspeed;
-float		movevar_maxspeed;
-float		movevar_spectatormaxspeed;	//used by NOCLIP movetypes.
-float		movevar_accelerate;
-float		movevar_airaccelerate;
-float		movevar_wateraccelerate;
-float		movevar_friction;
-float		movevar_waterfriction;
-float		movevar_entgravity;	//the local player's gravity field. Is a multiple (1 is the normal value)
-void		end_sys_globals;		// flag for structure dumping
-// system fields (*** = do not set in prog code, maintained by C code)
-.float		modelindex;		// *** model index in the precached list
-.vector		absmin, absmax;	// *** origin + mins / maxs
-.float		entnum;	// *** the ent number as on the server
-.float		drawmask;
-.void()		predraw;
-.float		movetype;
-.float		solid;
-.vector		origin;			// ***
-.vector		oldorigin;		// ***
-.vector		velocity;
-.vector		angles;
-.vector		avelocity;
-.string		classname;		// spawn function
-.string		model;
-.float		frame;
-.float		skin;
-.float		effects;
-.vector		mins, maxs;		// bounding box extents reletive to origin
-.vector		size;			// maxs - mins
-.void()		touch;
-.void()		use;
-.void()		think;
-.void()		blocked;		// for doors or plats, called when can't push other
-.float		nextthink;
-.entity		chain;
-.string		netname;
-.entity 	enemy;
-.float		flags;
-.float		colormap;
-.entity		owner;		// who launched a missile
-void		end_sys_fields;			// flag for structure dumping
-.float alpha;
-.float renderflags;

Deleted: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/helpers.c
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/helpers.c	2008-02-12 17:28:43 UTC (rev 3360)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/helpers.c	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-void RegisterCvar (string name, string defvalue, float save)
-	if(registercvar(name, defvalue) && save)
-		localcmd("seta ", name, " ", cvar_string(name), "\n");
-float DotProduct (vector x, vector y)
-	// LordHavoc: why does this function exist?  vec*vec in QC is dotproduct
-	return x*y;
-	//return (x_x*y_x + x_y*y_y + x_z*y_z);
-// dummy function to shut up compiler warnings
-void foo()
-	self.alpha = 0;
-	self.renderflags = 0;
-	self = NULL;

Deleted: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/main.c
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/main.c	2008-02-12 17:28:43 UTC (rev 3360)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/main.c	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-void SysParms_UPDATE (void)
-	float f;
-	vid_width = cvar("vid_conwidth");
-	vid_height = cvar("vid_conheight");
-	makevectors(input_angles);
-	pl_view_forward = v_forward;
-	pl_view_right = v_right;
-	pl_view_up = v_up;
-	pl_xyspeed = floor(sqrt(pmove_vel_x*pmove_vel_x + pmove_vel_y*pmove_vel_y));
-	f = getstati(STAT_HEALTH);
-	spec = (f == -666);
-	if(f < 1 && !(player_flags & PFL_DEAD))
-		player_flags |= PFL_DEAD;
-	else if(f >= 1 && player_flags & PFL_DEAD)
-		player_flags -= player_flags & (PFL_DEAD | PFL_GIBBED);
-void CSQC_Ent_Update (float isnew)
-	float i;
-	i = ReadByte();
-void CSQC_Ent_Remove ()
-	remove(self);
-void CSQC_Init (void)
-void CSQC_Shutdown (void)
-void CSQC_ConsoleCommand (string str)
-void CSQC_UpdateView (void)
-	SysParms_UPDATE();
-	View_Update();
-	R_ClearScene();
-	R_SetView(VF_DRAWWORLD, 1);
-	if(getstati(STAT_HEALTH) == 6666)
-	{
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	}
-	R_RenderScene();
-	if(cvar("cg_showvelocity"))
-	{
-		local float f;
-		local string s;
-		f = pl_xyspeed;
-		if(max_ups < f)
-			max_ups = f;
-		s = ftos(f);
-		s = strcat(s, " ups");
-		drawstring('1 0 0'*vid_width + '-64 64 0', s, '8 8 0', VEC_1, 1, 0);
-		s = ftos(max_ups);
-		s = strcat(s, " max");
-		drawstring('1 0 0'*vid_width + '-64 72 0', s, '8 8 0', VEC_1, 1, 0);
-	}
-float CSQC_InputEvent (float event, float parama)
-	return false;
-void CSQC_Parse_StuffCmd (string msg)
-	// doesn't work, dp obviously doesn't execute csprogs.dat on demo playback
-	if(isdemo() && msg == "menu_showteamselect\n")
-		return;
-	localcmd(msg);
-void CSQC_Parse_Print (string msg)
-	print(msg);
-void CSQC_Parse_CenterPrint (string msg)
-	cprint(msg);

Added: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/csqc_builtins.h
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/csqc_builtins.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/csqc_builtins.h	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+void (vector ang)							makevectors = #1;
+void(entity e, vector o) setorigin	= #2;
+void (entity e, string m)						setmodel = #3;
+void ()									break = #6;
+float ()								random = #7;
+void (entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten)	sound = #8;
+vector (vector v)							normalize = #9;
+void (string e)								error = #10;
+void (string e)								objerror = #11;
+float (vector v)							vlen = #12;
+float (vector v)							vectoyaw = #13;
+entity ()								spawn = #14;
+void (entity e)								remove = #15;
+void (vector v1, vector v2, float nomonsters, entity forent)		traceline = #16;
+entity (entity start, .string fld, string match)			find = #18;
+string (string s)							precache_sound = #19;
+string (string s)							precache_model = #20;
+void (string s)								dprint = #25;
+string (float f)							ftos = #26;
+string (vector v)							vtos = #27;
+void ()									coredump = #28;
+void ()									traceon = #29;
+void ()									traceoff = #30;
+void (entity e)								eprint = #31;
+float (float v)								rint = #36;
+float (float v)								floor = #37;
+float (float v)								ceil = #38;
+float (vector v)							pointcontents = #41;
+float (float f)								fabs = #43;
+float (string s)							cvar = #45;
+void (string s, ...)							localcmd = #46;
+entity (entity e)							nextent = #47;
+vector (vector v)							vectoangles = #51;
+void (string var, string val)						cvar_set = #72;
+float()									ReadByte = #360;
+float()									ReadChar = #361;
+float()									ReadShort = #362;
+float()									ReadLong = #363;
+float()									ReadCoord = #364;
+float()									ReadAngle = #365;
+string()								ReadString = #366;	//warning: this returns a temporary!
+float(string s)								stof = #81;
+void (vector v1, vector min, vector max, vector v2, float nomonsters, entity forent)	tracebox = #90;
+float (string name, string value)					registercvar = #93;
+entity (entity start, .entity fld, entity match)			findentity = #98;
+entity (entity start, .float fld, float match)				findfloat = #98;
+float (string s)							checkextension = #99;
+float (string filename, float mode)					fopen = #110;
+void (float fhandle)							fclose = #111;
+string (float fhandle)							fgets = #112;
+void (float fhandle, string s)						fputs = #113;
+float (string s)							strlen = #114;
+string (...)								strcat = #115;
+string (string s, float start, float length)				substring = #116;
+vector (string s)							stov = #117;
+string (string s)							strzone = #118;
+void (string s)								strunzone = #119;
+void ()									R_ClearScene = #300;
+void (float mask)							R_AddEntities = #301;
+void (entity e)								R_AddEntity = #302;
+float (float property, ...)						R_SetView = #303;
+void ()									R_RenderScene = #304;
+void (vector org, float radius, vector rgb)				R_AddDynamicLight = #305;
+void ()									R_CalcRefDef = #306;
+vector (vector v)							cs_unproject = #310;
+vector (vector v)							cs_project = #311;
+void	drawline(float width, vector pos1, vector pos2, vector rgb, float alpha, float flags) = #315;
+float	iscachedpic(string name)	= #316;
+string	precache_pic(string name, ...)	= #317;
+vector	drawgetimagesize(string pic) = #318;
+void	freepic(string name)		= #319;
+float	drawcharacter(vector position, float character, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #320;
+float	drawstring(vector position, string text, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #321;
+float	drawpic(vector position, string pic, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #322;
+float	drawfill(vector position, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #323;
+void	drawsetcliparea(float x, float y, float width, float height) = #324;
+void	drawresetcliparea(void) = #325;
+float (float statnum)							getstatf = #330;
+float (float statnum)							getstati = #331;
+string (float statnum)							getstats = #332;
+void (entity e, float i)						setmodelindex = #333;
+string (float i)							modelnameforindex = #334;
+float(string efname)							particleseffectforname = #335;
+void(entity ent, float effectnum, vector start, vector end, ...)	trailparticles = #336;
+void (float efnum, vector org, vector vel, float countmultiplier)	pointparticles = #337;
+void (string s, ...)							cprint = #338;
+void (string s, ...)							print = #339;
+void (float scale)							setsensitivityscale = #347;
+void (float framenum)							RetrieveMovementFrame = #345;
+void ()									DefaultPlayerPhysics = #347;
+string (float playernum, string key)					getplayerkey = #348;
+void (string cmdname)							registercmd = #352;
+vector ()								getmousepos = #344;
+string (string s) 							uncolorstring = #170;
+float ()								playernum = #354;
+void (vector org, vector forward, vector right, vector up)		setlistener = #351;
+float (vector start, vector end, float ignore, float csqcents)		selecttraceline = #355;
+float ()								isdemo = #349;
+float ()								isserver = #350;
+void (float f)								setwantsmousemove = #343;
+string (float key)							getkeybind = #342;
+string (float f)							chr = #78;
+vector (vector org)							getlight = #92;
+entity (.string fld, string match)					findchain = #402;
+entity (.float fld, float match)					findchainflags = #450;
+entity (.entity fld, entity match)					findchainentity = #403;
+entity (.float fld, float match)					findchainfloat = #403;
+entity (entity start, .entity fld, float match)				findflags = #449;
+float (string pattern, float caseinsensitive, float quiet)		search_begin = #444;
+void (float handle)							search_end = #445;
+float (float handle)							search_getsize = #446;
+string (float handle, float num)					search_getfilename = #447;
+float (entity e, float s)						getsurfacenumpoints = #434;
+vector (entity e, float s, float n)					getsurfacepoint = #435;
+vector (entity e, float s)						getsurfacenormal = #436;
+string (entity e, float s)						getsurfacetexture = #437;
+float (entity e, vector p)						getsurfacenearpoint = #438;
+vector (entity e, float s, vector p)					getsurfaceclippedpoint = #439;
+float (float a, float b) min = #94;
+float (float a, float b, float c) min3 = #94;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d) min4 = #94;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e) min5 = #94;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) min6 = #94;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g) min7 = #94;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g, float h) min8 = #94;
+float (float a, float b) max = #95;
+float (float a, float b, float c) max3 = #95;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d) max4 = #95;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e) max5 = #95;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) max6 = #95;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g) max7 = #95;
+float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g, float h) max8 = #95;
+float (float minimum, float val, float maximum) bound = #96;
+vector () randomvec = #91;
+float (float val)		sin = #60;
+float (float val)		cos = #61;
+float (float val)		sqrt = #62;
+float (float a, float b)	pow = #97;
+void (vector org, string modelname, float startframe, float endframe, float framerate) effect = #404;
+void (vector org, vector velocity, float howmany) te_blood = #405;
+void (vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, float explosionspeed, float howmany) te_bloodshower = #406;
+void (vector org, float radius, float lifetime, vector color) te_customflash = #417;
+void(vector org, vector color) te_explosionrgb = #407;
+void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color, float gravityflag, float randomveljitter) te_particlecube = #408;
+void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color) te_particlerain = #409;
+void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color) te_particlesnow = #410;
+void(vector org) te_plasmaburn = #433;
+void(vector org) te_gunshotquad = #412;
+void(vector org) te_spikequad = #413;
+void(vector org) te_superspikequad = #414;
+void(vector org) te_explosionquad = #415;
+void(vector org) te_smallflash = #416;
+void(vector org, vector vel, float howmany) te_spark = #411;
+void(vector org) te_gunshot = #418;
+void(vector org) te_spike = #419;
+void(vector org) te_superspike = #420;
+void(vector org) te_explosion = #421;
+void(vector org) te_tarexplosion = #422;
+void(vector org) te_wizspike = #423;
+void(vector org) te_knightspike = #424;
+void(vector org) te_lavasplash = #425;
+void(vector org) te_teleport = #426;
+void(vector org, float color, float colorlength) te_explosion2 = #427;
+void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_lightning1 = #428;
+void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_lightning2 = #429;
+void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_lightning3 = #430;
+void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_beam = #431;
+float (entity ent, string tagname)	gettagindex = #451;
+vector (entity ent, float tagindex)	gettaginfo = #452;
+float (string s)	tokenize = #441;
+string (float argnum)	argv = #442;
+string (string s) cvar_string = #448;
+float ()						buf_create = #460;
+void (float bufhandle)					buf_del = #461;
+float (float bufhandle)					buf_getsize = #462;
+void (float bufhandle_from, float bufhandle_to)		buf_copy = #463;
+void (float bufhandle, float sortpower, float backward)	buf_sort = #464;
+string (float bufhandle, string glue)			buf_implode = #465;
+string (float bufhandle, float string_index)		bufstr_get = #466;
+void (float bufhandle, float string_index, string str)	bufstr_set = #467;
+float (float bufhandle, string str, float order)	bufstr_add = #468;
+void (float bufhandle, float string_index)		bufstr_free = #469;
+float () onground = #355;
+void(string texturename, ...) R_BeginPolygon = #306;
+void(vector org, vector texcoords, vector rgb, float alpha) R_PolygonVertex = #307;
+void() R_EndPolygon = #308;
+float(string s, float num) charindex = #356;

Added: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/csqc_constants.h
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/csqc_constants.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/csqc_constants.h	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+const entity NULL = world;
+const float MASK_ENGINE			= 1;
+const float MASK_NORMAL			= 4;
+const float RF_VIEWMODEL	= 1;
+const float RF_EXTERNALMODEL	= 2;
+const float RF_DEPTHHACK	= 4;
+const float RF_ADDATIVE		= 8;
+const float RF_USEAXIS		= 16;
+const float VF_MIN		= 1;	//(vector)
+const float VF_MIN_X		= 2;	//(float)
+const float VF_MIN_Y		= 3;	//(float)
+const float VF_SIZE		= 4;	//(vector) (viewport size)
+const float VF_SIZE_Y		= 5;	//(float)
+const float VF_SIZE_X		= 6;	//(float)
+const float VF_VIEWPORT		= 7;	//(vector, vector)
+const float VF_FOV		= 8;	//(vector)
+const float VF_FOVX		= 9;	//(float)
+const float VF_FOVY		= 10;	//(float)
+const float VF_ORIGIN		= 11;	//(vector)
+const float VF_ORIGIN_X		= 12;	//(float)
+const float VF_ORIGIN_Y		= 13;	//(float)
+const float VF_ORIGIN_Z		= 14;	//(float)
+const float VF_ANGLES		= 15;	//(vector)
+const float VF_ANGLES_X		= 16;	//(float)
+const float VF_ANGLES_Y		= 17;	//(float)
+const float VF_ANGLES_Z		= 18;	//(float)
+const float VF_DRAWWORLD	= 19;	//(float)
+const float VF_DRAWENGINESBAR	= 20;	//(float)
+const float VF_DRAWCROSSHAIR	= 21;	//(float)
+const float VF_CL_VIEWANGLES	= 33;	//(vector)
+const float VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_X	= 34;	//(float)
+const float VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_Y	= 35;	//(float)
+const float VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_Z	= 36;	//(float) 
+const float STAT_HEALTH		= 0;
+const float STAT_WEAPONMODEL	= 2;
+const float STAT_AMMO		= 3;
+const float STAT_ARMOR		= 4;
+const float STAT_WEAPONFRAME	= 5;
+const float STAT_SHELLS		= 6;
+const float STAT_NAILS		= 7;
+const float STAT_ROCKETS	= 8;
+const float STAT_CELLS		= 9;
+const float STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON	= 10;
+const float STAT_ITEMS		= 15;
+const float true	= 1;
+const float false	= 0;
+const float EXTRA_LOW = -99999999;
+const float EXTRA_HIGH = 99999999;
+const vector VEC_1	= '1 1 1';
+const vector VEC_0	= '0 0 0';
+const vector VEC_M1	= '-1 -1 -1';
+const float M_PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
+vector	VEC_HULL_MIN = '-16 -16 -24';
+vector	VEC_HULL_MAX = '16 16 32';
+const float EF_ADDITIVE		= 32;
+const float EF_BLUE		= 64;
+const float EF_FLAME		= 1024;
+const float EF_FULLBRIGHT	= 512;
+const float EF_NODEPTHTEST	= 8192;
+const float EF_NODRAW		= 16;
+const float EF_NOSHADOW		= 4096;
+const float EF_RED		= 128;
+const float EF_STARDUST		= 2048;
+const float EF_SELECTABLE 	= 16384;
+const float PFL_ONGROUND	= 1;
+const float PFL_CROUCH		= 2;
+const float PFL_DEAD		= 4;
+const float PFL_GIBBED		= 8;

Added: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/defs.c
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/defs.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/defs.c	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+#pragma flag off fastarrays // make dp behave with new fteqcc versions. remove when dp bug with fteqcc fastarrays is fixed
+//feel free to look though. :)
+#define CSQC 1
+// system globals
+entity		self;
+entity		other;
+entity		world;
+float		time;
+float		frametime;
+float 		player_localentnum;	//the entnum
+float 		player_localnum;	//the playernum
+float		maxclients;	//a constant filled in by the engine. gah, portability eh?
+float		clientcommandframe;	//player movement
+float		servercommandframe;	//clientframe echoed off the server
+string		mapname;
+// global variables set by built in functions
+vector		v_forward, v_up, v_right;	// set by makevectors()
+// set by traceline / tracebox
+float		trace_allsolid;
+float		trace_startsolid;
+float		trace_fraction;
+vector		trace_endpos;
+vector		trace_plane_normal;
+float		trace_plane_dist;
+entity		trace_ent;
+float		trace_inopen;
+float		trace_inwater;
+// required prog functions
+void()		CSQC_Init;
+void()		CSQC_Shutdown;
+float(float f, float t)	CSQC_InputEvent;
+void()		CSQC_UpdateView;
+void(string s)	CSQC_ConsoleCommand;
+//these fields are read and set by the default player physics
+vector		pmove_org;
+vector		pmove_vel;
+vector		pmove_mins;
+vector		pmove_maxs;
+//retrieved from the current movement commands (read by player physics)
+float		input_timelength;
+vector		input_angles;
+vector		input_movevalues;	//forwards, right, up.
+float		input_buttons;		//attack, use, jump (default physics only uses jump)
+float		movevar_gravity;
+float		movevar_stopspeed;
+float		movevar_maxspeed;
+float		movevar_spectatormaxspeed;	//used by NOCLIP movetypes.
+float		movevar_accelerate;
+float		movevar_airaccelerate;
+float		movevar_wateraccelerate;
+float		movevar_friction;
+float		movevar_waterfriction;
+float		movevar_entgravity;	//the local player's gravity field. Is a multiple (1 is the normal value)
+void		end_sys_globals;		// flag for structure dumping
+// system fields (*** = do not set in prog code, maintained by C code)
+.float		modelindex;		// *** model index in the precached list
+.vector		absmin, absmax;	// *** origin + mins / maxs
+.float		entnum;	// *** the ent number as on the server
+.float		drawmask;
+.void()		predraw;
+.float		movetype;
+.float		solid;
+.vector		origin;			// ***
+.vector		oldorigin;		// ***
+.vector		velocity;
+.vector		angles;
+.vector		avelocity;
+.string		classname;		// spawn function
+.string		model;
+.float		frame;
+.float		skin;
+.float		effects;
+.vector		mins, maxs;		// bounding box extents reletive to origin
+.vector		size;			// maxs - mins
+.void()		touch;
+.void()		use;
+.void()		think;
+.void()		blocked;		// for doors or plats, called when can't push other
+.float		nextthink;
+.entity		chain;
+.string		netname;
+.entity 	enemy;
+.float		flags;
+.float		colormap;
+.entity		owner;		// who launched a missile
+void		end_sys_fields;			// flag for structure dumping
+.float alpha;
+.float renderflags;

Added: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/helpers.c
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/helpers.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/helpers.c	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+void RegisterCvar (string name, string defvalue, float save)
+	if(registercvar(name, defvalue) && save)
+		localcmd("seta ", name, " ", cvar_string(name), "\n");
+float DotProduct (vector x, vector y)
+	// LordHavoc: why does this function exist?  vec*vec in QC is dotproduct
+	return x*y;
+	//return (x_x*y_x + x_y*y_y + x_z*y_z);
+// dummy function to shut up compiler warnings
+void foo()
+	self.alpha = 0;
+	self.renderflags = 0;
+	self = NULL;

Added: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/main.c
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/main.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/main.c	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+void SysParms_UPDATE (void)
+	float f;
+	vid_width = cvar("vid_conwidth");
+	vid_height = cvar("vid_conheight");
+	makevectors(input_angles);
+	pl_view_forward = v_forward;
+	pl_view_right = v_right;
+	pl_view_up = v_up;
+	pl_xyspeed = floor(sqrt(pmove_vel_x*pmove_vel_x + pmove_vel_y*pmove_vel_y));
+	f = getstati(STAT_HEALTH);
+	spec = (f == -666);
+	if(f < 1 && !(player_flags & PFL_DEAD))
+		player_flags |= PFL_DEAD;
+	else if(f >= 1 && player_flags & PFL_DEAD)
+		player_flags -= player_flags & (PFL_DEAD | PFL_GIBBED);
+void CSQC_Ent_Update (float isnew)
+	float i;
+	i = ReadByte();
+void CSQC_Ent_Remove ()
+	remove(self);
+void CSQC_Init (void)
+void CSQC_Shutdown (void)
+void CSQC_ConsoleCommand (string str)
+void CSQC_UpdateView (void)
+	SysParms_UPDATE();
+	View_Update();
+	R_ClearScene();
+	R_SetView(VF_DRAWWORLD, 1);
+	if(getstati(STAT_HEALTH) == 6666)
+	{
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	}
+	R_RenderScene();
+	if(cvar("cg_showvelocity"))
+	{
+		local float f;
+		local string s;
+		f = pl_xyspeed;
+		if(max_ups < f)
+			max_ups = f;
+		s = ftos(f);
+		s = strcat(s, " ups");
+		drawstring('1 0 0'*vid_width + '-64 64 0', s, '8 8 0', VEC_1, 1, 0);
+		s = ftos(max_ups);
+		s = strcat(s, " max");
+		drawstring('1 0 0'*vid_width + '-64 72 0', s, '8 8 0', VEC_1, 1, 0);
+	}
+float CSQC_InputEvent (float event, float parama)
+	return false;
+void CSQC_Parse_StuffCmd (string msg)
+	// doesn't work, dp obviously doesn't execute csprogs.dat on demo playback
+	if(isdemo() && msg == "menu_showteamselect\n")
+		return;
+	localcmd(msg);
+void CSQC_Parse_Print (string msg)
+	print(msg);
+void CSQC_Parse_CenterPrint (string msg)
+	cprint(msg);

Added: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/progs.src
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/progs.src	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/progs.src	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

Added: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/vars.h
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/vars.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/vars.h	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+float player_flags;
+float spec;
+vector pl_view_forward;
+vector pl_view_right;
+vector pl_view_up;
+float pl_xyspeed;
+vector vieworg;
+float vid_width, vid_height;
+vector     PL_VIEW_OFS                             = '0 0 35';
+vector     PL_MIN                                  = '-16 -16 -24';
+vector     PL_MAX                                  = '16 16 45';
+vector     PL_CROUCH_VIEW_OFS                      = '0 0 15';
+vector     PL_CROUCH_MIN                           = '-16 -16 -24';
+vector     PL_CROUCH_MAX                           = '16 16 25';

Added: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/view.c
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/view.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/old/view.c	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+float max_ups;
+vector angle_alive;
+void View_Update (void)
+	vieworg = pmove_org;
+	angle_alive = input_angles;
+	makevectors(input_angles);
+	if(player_flags & PFL_DEAD && !spec)
+	{
+		R_SetView(VF_ORIGIN, vieworg+'0 0 4');
+		angle_alive_z = 80;
+		R_SetView(VF_ANGLES, angle_alive);
+		R_SetView(VF_CL_VIEWANGLES, angle_alive);
+		return;
+	}
+	if(input_buttons & 16 && !spec)
+		vieworg += PL_CROUCH_VIEW_OFS;
+	else
+		vieworg += PL_VIEW_OFS;
+	if(cvar("chase_active") && !spec)
+		vieworg = vieworg + v_up * cvar("chase_up") - v_forward * cvar("chase_back");
+	R_SetView(VF_ORIGIN, vieworg);
+	R_SetView(VF_ANGLES, input_angles);

Modified: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/progs.src
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/progs.src	2008-02-12 17:28:43 UTC (rev 3360)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/progs.src	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/vars.h
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/vars.h	2008-02-12 17:28:43 UTC (rev 3360)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/vars.h	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-float player_flags;
-float spec;
-vector pl_view_forward;
-vector pl_view_right;
-vector pl_view_up;
-float pl_xyspeed;
-vector vieworg;
-float vid_width, vid_height;
-vector     PL_VIEW_OFS                             = '0 0 35';
-vector     PL_MIN                                  = '-16 -16 -24';
-vector     PL_MAX                                  = '16 16 45';
-vector     PL_CROUCH_VIEW_OFS                      = '0 0 15';
-vector     PL_CROUCH_MIN                           = '-16 -16 -24';
-vector     PL_CROUCH_MAX                           = '16 16 25';

Deleted: trunk/data/qcsrc/client/view.c
--- trunk/data/qcsrc/client/view.c	2008-02-12 17:28:43 UTC (rev 3360)
+++ trunk/data/qcsrc/client/view.c	2008-02-12 20:47:36 UTC (rev 3361)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-float max_ups;
-vector angle_alive;
-void View_Update (void)
-	vieworg = pmove_org;
-	angle_alive = input_angles;
-	makevectors(input_angles);
-	if(player_flags & PFL_DEAD && !spec)
-	{
-		R_SetView(VF_ORIGIN, vieworg+'0 0 4');
-		angle_alive_z = 80;
-		R_SetView(VF_ANGLES, angle_alive);
-		R_SetView(VF_CL_VIEWANGLES, angle_alive);
-		return;
-	}
-	if(input_buttons & 16 && !spec)
-		vieworg += PL_CROUCH_VIEW_OFS;
-	else
-		vieworg += PL_VIEW_OFS;
-	if(cvar("chase_active") && !spec)
-		vieworg = vieworg + v_up * cvar("chase_up") - v_forward * cvar("chase_back");
-	R_SetView(VF_ORIGIN, vieworg);
-	R_SetView(VF_ANGLES, input_angles);

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