[mohaa] MOHPA Multiplayer Demo

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at clutteredmind.org
Sun Oct 31 07:37:34 EST 2004

> Already tried that no joy :P

It looks like the zipfile support is still there (but I haven't tested
if it actually works), but, inexplicably, they added a proprietary
format, too, and shipped the game data in these "rez" files. I suspect
that mods shipped in .ZIP format will probably Just Work, though.

Please understand, there isn't a whole lot of familiar about this
codebase, so please don't assume anything that you know about Medal of
Honor (or even Quake 3) server administration is true for Pacific

I have no idea why they changed so much, but really...the codebase is
wildly different than any previous MOH game, and has a lot of really
questionable design choices in it. The REZ files are just one really
good example.


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