[mohaa] server setup...

Andrew Berry berry.family at ntlworld.com
Sat Sep 13 12:44:34 EDT 2003

Don't know if this helps,
but here's everything printed on SSH:

(09:43:13) (andrew at gaming ~/mohaa)$ ./mohaa_lnxded +exec main/server.cfg
--- Common Initialization ---
Medal of Honor Allied Assault 1.11 linux-i386 Jul 23 2002
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
/usr/home/andrew/mohaa/main/pak6.pk3 (104 files)
/usr/home/andrew/mohaa/main/Pak5.pk3 (259 files)
/usr/home/andrew/mohaa/main/Pak4.pk3 (593 files)
/usr/home/andrew/mohaa/main/Pak3.pk3 (669 files)
/usr/home/andrew/mohaa/main/Pak2.pk3 (4722 files)
/usr/home/andrew/mohaa/main/Pak1.pk3 (772 files)
/usr/home/andrew/mohaa/main/Pak0.pk3 (11175 files)

18294 files in pk3 files
execing default.cfg
execing menu.cfg
execing newconfig.cfg
usage: seta <variable> <value>
Config: unnamedsoldier.cfg
execing configs/unnamedsoldier.cfg
cheats will be changed upon restarting.
^~^~^ Can't find localized.cfg
couldn't exec localized.cfg
execing autoexec.cfg
^~^~^ Can't find custom.cfg
couldn't exec custom.cfg
You are now setup for medium mode.
Opening IP socket: localhost:12203
--- Common Initialization Complete --- 1544 ms
--- Localization: I see 0 localization files
--- Localization: reading file global/localization.txt
Loading Localization File global/localization.txt
Loaded 1242 localization entries
^~^~^ Can't find main/server.cfg
couldn't exec main/server.cfg

after which point, the server is booted - not really sure what to do...


 -----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Berry [mailto:berry.family at ntlworld.com]
Sent: 13 September 2003 17:37
To: mohaa at icculus.org
Subject: RE: [mohaa] server setup...

  I tried that, it didn't boot at all.
  Server.cfg pasted below:
  // General Server Info Settigns

  seta sv_hostname "HypoGames.Com - HypoGames Public Server"

  //Set game type. Can be set in the command startup string.

  // 1 = Free For All

  // 2 = Team Match

  // 3 = Round Based Match

  // 4 = Objective Based Match

  seta g_gametype "4"

  sets Admin "Andrew Berry"

  sets Email "andrew at HypoGames.com"

  sets Location "New Jersey, US"

  // Message of the day. Is displayed when people enter the game

  seta g_motd HypoGames.Com Public Server"

  sets URL "http://www.hypogames.com"

  sets Connection "10 Mbit"

  // Hide user account name which started mohaa

  sets username "Andrew"

  //Rcon password

  seta rconpassword "xxxxxxx"

  // Map rotation, Objective

  seta sv_maplist "obj/obj_team1 obj/obj_team2 obj/obj_team4"

  //****Server Setings*****

  // Allows you to set a password for the server

  //leave blank of not used

  seta sv_privatePassword "xxxx"

  // Clients that require a password to join

  seta sv_privateClients 0

  // Maximum number of players allowed to join the server

  seta sv_maxclients "20"

  // Sets frames per second. May help increase performance.

  seta sv_fps "20"

  seta sv_timeout "120"

  // Verifies that the files on the client are the same as those on the

  // Useful for detecting cheats.

  // Is sometimes too sensitive and causes disconnections.

  // Recommended setting is "0".

  seta sv_pure "0"

  // Show your dedicated server on gamespy's master server

  seta sv_gamespy "1"

  //****Allow clients to download paks of your server****

  seta sv_allowdownload "0"

  // Set the download speed

  seta sv_maxrate "10000"

  //Enable message flooding protection

  seta sv_floodProtect "1"

  // Set min and maximum connection speeds.

  //Useful to keep those HPP (high ping players) out.

  seta sv_minping "0"

  seta sv_maxping "500"

  seta sv_precache "1"

  seta g_allowjointime "2"

  // General map settings

  seta g_allowvote "0"

  // "1" Turns friendly fire on

  seta g_teamdamage "0"

  // Forces the teams to have the same number of players

  seta g_teamForceBalance "0"

  //Sets the limit of Frags that will end the match

  //fraglimit 0

  //Sets the amount of time (in minutes) for map changes

  timelimit 15

  // Start the map rotation this is required

  map obj/obj_team4


   -----Original Message-----
  From: Sander de Hond [mailto:sanderdehond at home.nl]
  Sent: 13 September 2003 17:28
  To: mohaa at icculus.org
  Subject: RE: [mohaa] server setup...

    Oh and if it doesn't work, send me your server.cfg or paste it in your

    I (or we J) can have a look at it ;)


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Andrew Berry [mailto:berry.family at ntlworld.com]
    Sent: zaterdag 13 september 2003 18:16
    To: mohaa at icculus.org
    Subject: [mohaa] server setup...


     I've got a FreeBSD server with MOHAA (1.11) and the linux binaries
uploaded. My problem comes with setting it up...

    I have created a "server.cfg" file with all the basic settings I want in
it, however I'm having a few problems...

    My server does not show on GSA or ASE...

    it does not exec all the commands in server.cfg...

    I'm running MOHAA ded by typing ./mohaa_lnxded +exec main/server.cfg

    and it boots up, and I can connect no problem...

    any suggestions?


    Andrew Berry


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