Custom voting options

Eric Koldeweij eric at
Mon May 12 11:41:47 EDT 2003

I wonder if someone can help me out with this...

I'm (still) trying to figure out how to set my own voting options in my 
Spearhead server. For instance, I'd like my clients to be able to vote 
for a client kick, but I want to disable votes to toggle realism mode 
(etc etc etc)

I have found in both pak1.pk3 and pak3.pk3 a file called "callvote.cfg" 
which seemed to be exactly what I needed. So I extracted it to my mainta 
directory, tweaked it a little and restarted the server. And guess what, 
nothing has changed, the clients still get the same voting options as 

So..... does anyone know how to make this work? Or at least tell me why 
it doesn't work?


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