Tug of war maplist

z1g z1g at terminal-insanity.com
Sat Mar 22 20:33:36 EST 2003

Anyone have a working example of a map list? I got mine from starting up
a server in windows and copying it over. My server crashes at the end of
the list every time. 

This is the current map setting in the server.cfg 

// Starting map on the rotation.
map "obj/MP_Berlin_TOW"

// Map Rotation List
sv_maplist "obj/MP_Ardennes_TOW obj/MP_Druckkammern_TOW

If I comment out the sv_maplist and start the server it runs for hours,
but as soon as I add it it will crash at the last map.


z1g <z1g at terminal-insanity.com>

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