[mohaa] Possible CDKEY issues

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at clutteredmind.org
Thu Feb 13 19:16:40 EST 2003

> She also says that its not just our clan servers, or Linux servers, but most
> of the mohaa and spearhead servers out there.....

She should probably contact EA tech support, if for no other reason that
to have the satisfaction of screaming and cursing at them.  :)

Again, I don't know what criteria MOH:AA/gamespy are using to determine
that a CDKey is invalid. I won't rule out that they filled in a bunch of
generated keys that are floating around the net, and one of them happens
to be your clanmate's. That being said, another game I'm working on does
this...and they block one key. ONE key stops 99% of the warez'd
copies...so I don't expect this is the case.

I also won't rule out that nothing has ever checked the keys for validity
before, so a misentered key is just biting people now...but I can't prove
that, either. Someone go intentionally mistype their key during a
reinstall and see what happens.

...or maybe her registry is hosed, and the CDkey is mangled/missing.

Again, this is all just conjecture...this seems like a bigger problem than
most of these reasons can account for.


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