[mohaa] recommended settings for server?

Troy Chinnery t_chinnery at iprimus.com.au
Tue Dec 16 23:17:19 EST 2003

The kernel probably won't let it grab more than 80% because 20% is being used 
by other processes. You can have more predictable memory usage by using the 
com_hunkMegs and com_zoneMegs variables on the command line. Values like 
hunk=128 and zone=48 are common but for newer games often larger. With only 
128MB of memory, try hunk=96 zone=24. This will minimise swapping BUT there 
may be some levels your server won't load and/or might not handle 32 players.

Nathan Peters wrote:
> Hey everyone.  I need to ask a question to the linux gurus.  I have a 
> server up.  Red Hat linux 9, Pentium 4 3ghz, 128mb RAM (yeah i know not 
> very much - provided by host - I'm limited because of finances).  It's 
> 32 slots.  5 of them are private.  It is full right now.  I'm on a OC192 
> backbone.  Bandwidth rocks.  But lag is experienced some.  What is the 
> recommended amount of RAM?  At first I had 64megs of RAM.  Heavy swap 
> usage maxed out RAM.  Then I went up to 128megs of RAM and here is what 
> the top command shows.
>  21:40:16  up 10:09,  1 user,  load average: 0.27, 0.22, 0.18
> 35 processes: 32 sleeping, 3 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
> CPU states:  25.3% user   2.3% system   0.0% nice   0.0% iowait  72.3% idle
> Mem:   124236k av,  122020k used,    2216k free,       0k shrd,    1836k 
> buff
>         46488k active,              70744k inactive
> Swap:  131064k av,   48176k used,   82888k free                   11652k 
> cached
>   782 nathan    14   0  104M  98M 38072   R        24.3   80.8   74:43   
> 0  mohaa_lnxded
> When I had 64megs of RAM it had about the same - 70-80%.  I go to 
> 128megs and full loaded server and it's the same?  Neways, can someone 
> tell me what to do?  Do I need more RAM or is that just how the server 
> runs?  Thanx.
> Nathan
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