AW: AW: AW: [mohaa] Server Requirements, Questions & Traffic

Eric Koldeweij eric at
Wed Aug 20 19:46:28 EDT 2003

luke wrote:

>Have you done this? My understanding of Linux is that this cant work. Of
>course you have to alias the device to use different IP's on the same
>NIC. But you cant have multiple processes running on the same port on
>the same network card, regardless of whether you alias the IP's. I could
>be wrong, though......

Unfortunately (well, fortunately for the community) you're wrong. Isn't 
linux great? ;)
What you cannot do is bind the ANY address (listen on every IP addy) 
more than once on the same port. If you don't specify an IP addy on the 
cmd line using the +set net_ip argument, MOHAA will bind the ANY 
address, which means it'll listen on all IP addresses at once. In that 
case you cannot use the same port again (they're all taken by the first 
MOHAA). Use the +set net_ip and you can run as many servers on the same 
port as your server has IP addresses.

To see if your server uses a single IP addy or all, use "netstat -uan". 
A MOHAA server listening on all IP addys will show up (among other lines) as

udp        0      0   *

Otherwise something like

udp        0      0*

will show up, the replaced by the IP addy it's listening on.

Hope this helps anyone struggling with this :)


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