firewall problems

Jake Thiessen jake.t at
Mon Apr 21 16:36:32 EDT 2003

Hi Guys,

I've been chasing EA on some answers and it doesn't seem they have them :c)

I have a hardware firewall (smc), port forwarding 12203 and 12300 to my
win/linux box

I cannot get listed on the namelist server but it seems that sometimes
gamespy will work.

EA told me to use net and port switches, but then the server would fail

what I think is happening is the following:

1. internal NAT ip is 192.168.x.x while external is whatever...

2. when I start the server it reports internal NAT IP, and of course fails
at the name server side.

3. when I force a net switch with my external IP, it fails of course
internally as it is outside of the range defined by the netmask, and main
gateway which then drops the frames.

does this sound right?

is there any workarounds?

I am guessing that EA will require server and client side mods to be able to
carry 2 IP addresses to fix this issue, so the client will comply with
internal IP, and server will be able to find client with the real external

anyone got source code ? :c)


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