Localized pb or Config pb ??

dv at activeweb.fr dv at activeweb.fr
Tue Apr 8 09:51:33 EDT 2003

Hi ! i'm getting mad with this FR version :

I'm running mohaa localized FR on some linux boxes with no problems but
there is no way i could run spearhead with it...
everything seems ok : spearhead (not localized) patched to 2.15 and using
beta 5 from ryan (after beta 4 install).

the only thing i see is about the French PAKS which are in main dir and
don't have the same md5sum results as the ones in the readme AT ALL.

226431bfb551753d2581644e088b6313  Pak0.pk3
4483b5641a024a3eeaeeaab597dd0c93  Pak6Fr.pk3
db20f12c543d9abd2ef55a3e8472d75f  Pak7Fr.pk3

in the readme  :
172dd011e999bf9d74bf35b63f3b4a07  Pak0.pk3
230b78842357b85f9875e164f34d5a0b  Pak6.pk3
(no pak7.pk3 !!)

ok so I get tons of errors with the following config :
command line is :
/usr/games/moh1-2/spearhead_lnxded +set net_IP xx.xx.xx.xx +set net_port
12206 +set com_zoneMegs 128 +set vm_game 0 +set ttycon 0 +set dedicated 2
+exec server.cfg

(as you see there is no fs_basepath)
server.cfg is :
set sv_hostname "some name"

// Game Type
// 1 Free for All
// 2 Team Based
// 3 Round Based
// 4 Objective
// 5 Tug Of War
set g_gametype 5

set g_healthdrop 1
set g_realismmode 1
set sv_dmspeedmult 1.100000
set g_teamdamage 1
set g_healrate 10
set sv_maxclients 20
set timelimit 10
set fraglimit 100
set maprotationtime 0                   //normalement a 30
set sv_team_spawn_interval 15
set roundlimit 0
set g_inactivespectate 60
set g_inactivekick 900
set sv_gamespy 1
set sv_pure 0
set g_allowvote 0
set sv_floodprotect 1
set g_forceteamspectate 1
set dmflags 0
set sv_invulnerabletime 3
set g_teamkillwarn 3
set g_teamkillkick 5
set g_teamswitchdelay 15
set g_allowjointime 30
set sv_privateclients 5
set sv_privatepassword "filrouge"
set sv_keywords ""
set net_port 12206
set sv_minping 0
set sv_maxping 0
set sv_maxrate 9000
set sv_sprinton 0
set sv_runspeed 287

set sv_maplist "obj/MP_Flughafen_TOW obj/MP_Druckkammern_TOW
obj/MP_Ardennes_TOW obj/MP_Berlin_TOW "
map "obj/MP_Flughafen_TOW"
//map "obj/MP_Druckkammern_TOW"
set rconpassword "xxxxxx"

--- Common Initialization ---
Medal of Honor Spearhead 2.15 linux-i386 Mar 18 2003
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
/usr/games/moh1-2/mainta/pak5.pk3 (9 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/mainta/pak4.pk3 (59 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/mainta/pak3.pk3 (311 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/mainta/pak2.pk3 (767 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/mainta/pak1.pk3 (6969 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/zzzzz-delator.pk3 (2 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/zzzzuser_zmixmaps.pk3 (80 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/zzz_beta_dmz_dogtag.pk3 (4 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/zzz-Obj_push_harbourtown.pk3 (47 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/UserModzAwesundsGrenadeExplos.pk3 (11 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/UserModzAwesundsBulletSFX.pk3 (31 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/UserModzAwesunds2_2.pk3 (49 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User_Prado1_Obj.pk3 (16 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-zutphen.pk3 (20 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-z.pk3 (2 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-utah.pk3 (12 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/user-tunisian_fe.pk3 (15 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-thefarm.pk3 (35 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-Stlo.pk3 (15 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-rockets_useless.pk3 (4 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-push_cityhall.pk3 (35 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-onLINEr's_ONYX_PointOfNoReturn.pk3 (1 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-objDesertBase_Final_NR.pk3 (3 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-objDesertBase_Final.pk3 (25 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-obj_rustinpeace.pk3 (47 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-NormandyBridge_obj.pk3 (5 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-MinefielD-SR4i.pk3 (7 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/user-lastcastleseries.pk3 (69 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-laserdot.pk3 (3 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-l!l-scopes.pk3 (8 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-jailbreak.pk3 (3 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-hartnugen11.pk3 (19 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-germanobj.pk3 (17 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-First_Attack_V1.0.pk3 (3 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-Enigma.pk3 (12 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/user-dasboot.pk3 (24 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/user-BridgeCrossing.pk3 (32 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-Boobjpak.pk3 (17 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/user-bastogne.pk3 (14 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/user-axis_laser_scope.pk3 (4 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User-Arnhem.pk3 (12 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/user-allie_laser.pk3 (3 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/user-a_bridge_too_far.pk3 (38 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User Mod - z_CKR_1.pk3 (25 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User Map - Vervins.pk3 (15 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User Map - St_Renan.pk3 (20 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User Map - Le_Camp.pk3 (83 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User Map - DesertBase_Final.pk3 (25 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User - z_CKR_11.pk3 (25 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/user - obj_team1_ctf.pk3 (26 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/User - CapturedBase.pk3 (18 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/UberfistDM1.pk3 (15 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/Tirtagaine-KechtatIII.pk3 (60 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/thefarm.pk3 (45 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/snowy_mountain.pk3 (15 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/ShermanHuntBeta211.pk3 (55 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/push_cityhall.pk3 (35 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/Prots_Realism_No_Shotys_or_rockets.pk3 (30 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/Pak7Fr.pk3 (82 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/Pak6Fr.pk3 (610 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/Pak5.pk3 (259 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/Pak4.pk3 (593 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/Pak3.pk3 (669 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/Pak2.pk3 (4722 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/Pak1.pk3 (396 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/Pak0.pk3 (11174 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/ObjNaziFort.pk3 (21 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/obj_maromg.pk3 (14 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/obj_m4l1.pk3 (18 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/nestate3.pk3 (16 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/MoonlightRadioOV.pk3 (19 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/map_thecanal.pk3 (72 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/lol_v2_new_3.pk3 (9 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/La_Prison_ancien.pk3 (100 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/Kmarzo-St Renan_ancien.pk3 (20 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/Copie de UserModzAwesunds2_2.pk3 (49 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/BSunrise3-3a.pk3 (38 files)
/usr/games/moh1-2/main/Aftermath_Revised.pk3 (15 files)

28247 files in pk3 files
execing default.cfg
execing buildver.cfg
execing menu.cfg
execing newconfig.cfg
execing localize.cfg
Config: unnamedsoldier.cfg
execing configs/unnamedsoldier.cfg
cheats will be changed upon restarting.
^~^~^ Can't find localized.cfg
couldn't exec localized.cfg
execing autoexec.cfg
^~^~^ Can't find custom.cfg
couldn't exec custom.cfg
You are now setup for medium mode.
Opening IP socket: xx.xx.xx.xx:12206 (xx replaced by hand)
Hostname: xxxxxxxx
Alias: localhost.localdomain
Alias: localhost
--- Common Initialization Complete --- 2875 ms
Loading Localization File global/localization.txt
execing server.cfg
g_gametype will be changed upon restarting.
sv_maxclients will be changed upon restarting.
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: obj/MP_Flughafen_TOW
------ Unloading fgameded.so ------
------- Attempting to load /usr/games/moh1-2/mainta/fgameded.so -------
LoadLibrary (fgameded.so)
==== InitGame ====
sizeof(Actor) == 3020
Magic sizeof actor numer: 2956

Event system initialized: 176 classes 1465 events 1031360 total memory in
response list

==== CleanupGame ====
CM_LoadMap( maps/obj/MP_Flughafen_TOW.bsp, 0 )
Adding script: 'obj/MP_Flughafen_TOW_precache.scr'
SkeletorCacheFileCallback: Could not open binary file
'newanim/models/player/allied_oss.skc' or 'models/player/allied_oss.skc'
^~^~^ TIKI_InitTiki: Couldn't load models/player/allied_oss.tik
SkeletorCacheFileCallback: Could not open binary file
'newanim/models/player/allied_oss_fps.skc' or
^~^~^ TIKI_InitTiki: Couldn't load models/player/allied_oss_fps.tik
^~^~^ Box data is corrupted for
^~^~^ Morph targets data is corrupted for
SkeletorCacheFileCallback: Could not open binary file
'newanim/models/player/german_elite_gestapo.skc' or
^~^~^ TIKI_InitTiki: Couldn't load models/player/german_elite_gestapo.tik
SkeletorCacheFileCallback: Could not open binary file
'newanim/models/player/german_elite_gestapo_fps.skc' or
^~^~^ TIKI_InitTiki: Couldn't load
Channel named Bip01 L Clavicle pos not added. (Bone will not work without
Channel named Bip01 R Clavicle pos not added. (Bone will not work without
SkeletorCacheFileCallback: Could not open binary file
'newanim/models/player/german_winter1.skc' or
^~^~^ TIKI_InitTiki: Couldn't load models/player/german_winter1.tik
SkeletorCacheFileCallback: Could not open binary file
'newanim/models/player/german_winter1_fps.skc' or
^~^~^ TIKI_InitTiki: Couldn't load models/player/german_winter1_fps.tik
SkeletorCacheFileCallback: Could not open binary file
'newanim/models/player/german_winter2.skc' or
^~^~^ TIKI_InitTiki: Couldn't load models/player/german_winter2.tik
SkeletorCacheFileCallback: Could not open binary file
'newanim/models/player/german_winter2_fps.skc' or
^~^~^ TIKI_InitTiki: Couldn't load models/player/german_winter2_fps.tik
^~^~^ Event 'dmfiredelay' does not exist.
-------------------- Spawning Entities -----------------------
soundtrack switched to .
mohta Archive Version 1
56408 memory allocated for navigation.
-------------------- Actual Spawning Entities -----------------------
*!*!*!* Objects are not allowed for use in the game. Make it a static model
or a script model as needed.
-------------------- Actual Spawning Entities Done ------------------ 79 ms
^~^~^ Event 'dmfiredelay' does not exist.
^~^~^ Failed execution of event for class 'VehicleTurretGun'
^~^~^ Entity::ProcessInitCommands: Bad init server command 'dmfiredelay' in
^~^~^ Event 'dmfiredelay' does not exist.
^~^~^ Failed execution of event for class 'VehicleTurretGun'
^~^~^ Entity::ProcessInitCommands: Bad init server command 'dmfiredelay' in
^~^~^ Event 'dmfiredelay' does not exist.
^~^~^ Failed execution of event for class 'VehicleTurretGun'
^~^~^ Entity::ProcessInitCommands: Bad init server command 'dmfiredelay' in
0 teams with 0 entities
Adding script: 'obj/MP_Flughafen_TOW.scr'
      $player.entref = -1 (global/friendly.scr, 87)

^~^~^ Script Error: Field 'entref' applied to NULL listener

      $player.maxhealth = $player.health (global/friendly.scr, 2133)
      $player.maxhealth = $player^

^~^~^ Script Error: Field 'health' applied to NULL listener

      $player.maxhealth = $player.health (global/friendly.scr, 2133)

^~^~^ Script Error: Field 'maxhealth' applied to NULL listener

There are 0 enemies
Adding autosave names
ERROR: Entity::Sound: door_wood_open_move needs an alias in ubersound.scr
or uberdialog.scr - Please fix.
ERROR: Entity::Sound: door_wood_open_move needs an alias in ubersound.scr
or uberdialog.scr - Please fix.
ERROR: Entity::Sound: door_wood_open_move needs an alias in ubersound.scr
or uberdialog.scr - Please fix.
ERROR: Entity::Sound: door_wood_open_move needs an alias in ubersound.scr
or uberdialog.scr - Please fix.
There are 0 friendlyspawners
Spawned 8 enemyspawners
256 entities spawned
345 simple entities spawned
0 entities inhibited
-------------------- Spawning Entities Done ------------------ 205 ms
^~^~^ Game (Event: 'splinepath_create', Object: 'SplinePath') :
SplinePath::CreatePath: target 'p13' for 'p12' not found

^~^~^ Game (Event: 'splinepath_create', Object: 'SplinePath') :
SplinePath::CreatePath: target 'p_13' for 'p_12' not found

*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-3520 2624 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-3008 1600 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-3520 1600 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-3008 2624 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-2496 2624 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-1984 1600 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-2496 1600 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-1984 2624 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-1472 2624 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-960 1600 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-1472 1600 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-960 2624 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-448 2624 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (64 1600 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model (#14).
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-448 1600 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (64 2624 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model (#16).
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (576 2624 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (1088 1600 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (576 1600 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (1088 2624 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (1600 2624 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (2112 1600 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (1600 1600 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (2112 2624 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-408 2304 -740). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-408 2112 -740). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-408 1728 -740). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-408 2560 -740). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-408 1504 -740). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-408 2816 -740). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-408 1904 -740). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (364 2112 -288). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (836 2256 -288). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-1148 2112 -383). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-1596 2000 -383). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-408 3072 -740). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-408 1248 -740). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/static/ho-ix.tik' was spawned as an Object entity at (321
3771 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model (#38).
*!*!*!* 'models/static/ho-ix.tik' was spawned as an Object entity at (-2944
548 -16). Should be made into a static model or script model (#39).
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-243 -1356 520). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/fx/corona_red_bright.tik' was spawned as an Object entity
at (-138 -1328 988). Should be made into a static model or script model
*!*!*!* 'models/static/ho-ix.tik' was spawned as an Object entity at (-4734
-6276 4143). Should be made into a static model or script model (#42).
An objective has been added!

-----------PARSING 'ubersound/uberdialog.scr' (SERVER)------------
Any SetCurrentTiki errors means that tiki wasn't prefetched and
tiki-specific sounds for it won't work. To fix prefetch the tiki. Ignore if
you don't use that tiki on this level.
CG_Command_ProcessFile: ubersound/uberdialog.scr
Parse/Load time: 0.376000 seconds.
-------------PARSING 'ubersound/uberdialog.scr' DONE (SERVER)

-----------PARSING 'ubersound/ubersound.scr' (SERVER)------------
Any SetCurrentTiki errors means that tiki wasn't prefetched and
tiki-specific sounds for it won't work. To fix prefetch the tiki. Ignore if
you don't use that tiki on this level.
CG_Command_ProcessFile: ubersound/ubersound.scr
Parse/Load time: 0.106000 seconds.
-------------PARSING 'ubersound/ubersound.scr' DONE (SERVER)---------------

-----------PARSING 'ubersound/ubersound.scr.txt' (SERVER)------------
Any SetCurrentTiki errors means that tiki wasn't prefetched and
tiki-specific sounds for it won't work. To fix prefetch the tiki. Ignore if
you don't use that tiki on this level.
CG_Command_ProcessFile: ubersound/ubersound.scr.txt
ASSERT: [qcommon/common.c:413] SV_FindIndex: overflow  max512 create1  name
sound/mechanics/m1_lightturn.wav0 (fyi)
ERROR: SV_FindIndex: overflow  max512 create1  name
----- Server Shutdown -----
==== ShutdownGame ====
------ Unloading fgameded.so ------
Hitch warning: 18055 msec frame time

Can anyone give me the good paks or tell me a magic trick ??

David Venancio

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