[mohaa] sliding

Drew Hightower snafu2 at rogers.com
Wed Apr 2 06:44:53 EST 2003

If you are referring to when you shoot somebody that they do the butt slide
that is a feature installed by EA and was supposed to be fixed in the 2.15
patch but as you can see they left that feature in. There is absolutely
nothing that you can do. We can only hope that EA gets off their butts and
fixes this and other problems.


-----Original Message-----
From: Manuel Mausz [mailto:manuel at mausz.at] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 7:35 PM
To: mohaa at icculus.org
Subject: [mohaa] sliding

Hi everybody,

some time ago i have set up a spearhead linux dedicated server. Everything
works fine... MD5sum exactly matches, spearhead is patched to 1.15 and i
installed the linux beta5 spearhead dedicated server. So everything must be
fine but not this time!

Every other person is sliding on the earth which looks funny but isn't very
well to play.

I'm running SuSe 8.0 and starting the server with: ./spearhead_lnxded
+bot_enable 0 +set vm_game 0 +set dedicated 2 +set com_hunkmegs 64 +set
ttycon 0 +set com_zonemegs 30 +set sv_maxclients 10 +set net_port 27050
+exec spearhead_server.cfg +map dm/MP_Holland_DM +set fs_basepath

My spearhead_server.cfg looks like this:
sv_hostname "Testserver > Linux"
set g_gametype 2
set g_healthdrop 1
set g_realismmode 1
set sv_dmspeedmult 1.100000
set g_teamdamage 0
set g_healrate 10
timelimit 0
fraglimit 0
maprotationtime 15
set sv_team_spawn_interval 15
roundlimit 0
set g_inactivespectate 60
set g_inactivekick 900
set sv_gamespy 1
set sv_pure 0
set sv gravity 800
set g_allowvote 1
set sv_floodprotect 1
set g_forceteamspectate 1
set dmflags 0
set sv_invulnerabletime 3
set g_teamkillwarn 3
set g_teamkillkick 5
set g_teamswitchdelay 0
set g_allowjointime 30
set sv_privateclients 0
set sv_privatepassword ""
rconpassword angel77
set sv_keywords ""
set sv_minping 0
set sv_maxping 150
set sv_maxrate 8000
sv_maplist "dm/MP_Bahnhof_DM dm/MP_Verschneit_DM dm/MP_Brest_DM
dm/MP_Unterseite_DM dm/MP_Stadt_DM dm/MP_Gewitter_DM dm/MP_Holland_DM
dm/MP_Bazaar_DM " sv_sprinton 0 sv_runspeed 250

Somebody an idea?

Manuel Mausz

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