[mohaa] Server crash on linux

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at clutteredmind.org
Sun Sep 1 23:19:52 EDT 2002

> maybe there is 1 that could help ... awaiting your kind answer(s)

Are you running any mods or odd configurations?

Does it happen with a _default_ installation? (That is, you start the
server with no config, run "g_gametype 1" and "map dm/mohdm1" and it still
crashes. Last person that had a crashbug told me they did this, and it
turned out to be some Crow King thing causing the trouble anyhow.)

Where does the crash occur ("happens when I shoot someone", "happens when
restarting the level", "happens when I plant the bomb")?

"It happens randomly" means you've got bad RAM, a buggy kernel/distro, or
you haven't looked closely enough.

Let me know.


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