[mohaa] Linux Server thru IPtables.

Eduardo E. Silva esilva at silvex.com
Tue Jul 30 18:11:27 EDT 2002

How do you bring up the console in Linux ? Server is not natted it has static
IP address. Yes it is allowed to open udp packets.

Ed Silva
Silvex Consulting Inc.
(714) 504-6870 Cell
(888) 209-0946 Pager

> 1) is your server really up? check with "serverstatus"
> 2) is your server natted behind a router or something similar? (i don't know
> about cable modems)
>    if yes, is the portforwarding set right? udp ext-adr:12203 = udp
> int-adr:12203
> 3) is your server allowed to open udp connection into the internet? if, not
> the ip packets cannot reach
>    the client outside...
> /Karsten
> Am 30.07.02 21:58:29, schrieb "Eduardo E. Silva" <esilva at silvex.com>:
>>I finally was able to bring up the server without many error messages on my
>> RedHAt with Kernel 2.4.18. I have a 384Kbps/2000Kbps cable modem with
>> static IP address. I have IPtables on the server and all of the clients use
>> static NAT , since they are on non routable network. I am able to play
>> MOHAA from the NATed clients into publich servers in the net without any
>> problems.
>>1)I have open both TCP/UDP for ports 12203 and 12300 per somebody's
>> suggestions on the archived messages of the list.
>>2)I have tried to use the public ip and private ip with out success of
>> seeing my server. Here is some info into the net and conf of the MOHAA
>> server
>>3)# nestat -a ( truncated output to save space)
>>Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
>> tcp        0      0 *:imaps                 *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 *:printer               *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 *:pop3s                 *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 *:swat                  *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 *:32776                 *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 *:587                   *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 *:139                   *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 *:imap2                 *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 *:sunrpc                *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 *:X                     *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 *:www                   *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 *:auth                  *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 ns1.silvex.com:domain   *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 rt1:domain              *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 localhost:domain        *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 ns1.silvex.com:ftp      *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 *:smtp                  *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 *:https                 *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 localhost:5180          *:*                     LISTEN
>> tcp        0      0 ns1.silvex.com:40036    www.artofwarcentral:www
>> TIME_WAIT udp        0      0 rt1:netbios-ns          *:*
>>udp        0      0 ns1.silvex.c:netbios-ns *:*
>>udp        0      0 *:netbios-ns            *:*
>>udp        0      0 rt1:138                 *:*
>>udp        0      0 ns1.silvex.com:138      *:*
>>udp        0      0 *:138                   *:*
>>udp        0      0 *:33305                 *:*
>>udp        0      0 ns1.silvex.com:12203    *:*
>>      <<<<<<<< MOHAA >>>>>>>>>>
>>udp        0      0 *:xdmcp                 *:*
>>udp        0      0 localhost:34099         localhost:34099
>>4)This is the command I use to bring up the server:
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/mohaa_lnxded +set net_ip +set net_port 12203
>>5)This is the /usr/local/MOHAA/main/server.cfg based on someones posting.
>># cat server.cfg
>>// example server.cfg
>>seta sv_hostname "SILVEX mohaa-lnxded"
>>sets Admin "Silvex"
>>seta g_motd "LINUX Beta2"
>>sets URL "www.silvex.com"
>>sets Connection "CABLE"
>>seta rconpassword "xxxx"
>>seta sv_maxclients "32"
>>set g_gametype 1
>>seta sv_minping "0"
>>seta sv_maxping "200"
>>seta g_teamdamage "0"
>>seta sv_gamespy "1"
>>seta sv_allowDownload "1"
>>set g_inactiveSpectate "60"
>>set g_inactiveKick "300"
>>seta timelimit "25"
>>seta fraglimit "0"
>>seta sv_maplist "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm5
>> dm/mohdm6 dm/mohdm7"
>>map dm/mohdm4
>>// Common server settings
>>// General settings
>>seta com_hunkMegs "96" // this is some performance stuff
>>seta com_zoneMegs "32" // this is some performance stuff
>>// GameSpy
>>seta sv_gamespy "2" // Change this to "0" if you don't want to advertise on
>> the internet
>>seta sv_master1 "mohmaster.2015.com" // master server
>>seta sv_master2 "master.gamespy.com" // master server
>>// Server Passwords
>>seta rconpassword "xxxx" // rcon password
>>seta g_password "xxxx" // game password
>>seta sv_privatePassword "xxxx" // password for private slots
>>// General game settings
>>seta sv_allowDownload "1" // set to 0 to disallow clients to download maps
>> e.a.
>>seta sv_reconnectlimit "9" // how many times a player can reconnect before
>> he's refused
>>seta sv_zombietime "1" // ??
>>seta g_allowVote "0" // Allow clients to vote for new maps
>>seta g_voteduration "120" // How long a vote takes
>>seta g_inactivity "300" // how many seconds a player can be inactive before
>> he's kicked out
>>seta g_timeouttospec "30" // how many seconds a player can be inactive
>> before he moves to spectator mode
>>seta g_forcerespawn "15" // force a respawn in 15 seconds
>>seta g_respawnInvulnerability "5" // how many seconds a player is
>> invulnerable after respawning
>>seta username "Nobody" // name a player gets if he doesn't supply one
>> himself seta sv_timeout "200" // ??
>>// Extras
>>seta sv_maxPing "200" // Disallow HPWs (High Ping Whiners) - don't allow
>> ppl with ping times higher than this (0 disables)
>>seta sv_minPing "0" // Disallow LPBs (Low Ping Bastards) - don't allow ppl
>> with ping times lower than this (0 disables)
>>seta sv_floodProtect "1" // client spam protection??
>>seta g_voiceFloodCount 20 // client spam protection??
>>seta g_voiceFloodPenalty 120 // client spam protection??
>>seta pmove_fixed "1" // ??
>>seta pmove_msec "16" // ??
>>seta sv_fps "20" // minimal desired frame rate?
>>seta sv_maxRate "3000" // bandwith allowed per client, in bytes/sec
>>// Bans
>>seta g_filterBan "1" // enable ban feature
>>exec banned.cfg // file holding IP bans
>>6)This is the output from the starup session:
>># cat /var/log/mohaa/start_30145.log
>> ***************************************************************************
>> ***************************************************************************
>> ***************************************************************************
>> ***************************************************************************
>> ***************************************************************************
>> ***************************************************************************
>> ***************************************************************************
>> Warning: This is a beta version of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. Please
>> report any bugs at: https://bugzilla.icculus.org/
>> ***************************************************************************
>> ***************************************************************************
>> ***************************************************************************
>> ***************************************************************************
>> ***************************************************************************
>> ***************************************************************************
>> ***************************************************************************
>>--- Common Initialization ---
>>Medal of Honor Allied Assault 1.11 linux-i386 Jul 18 2002
>>----- FS_Startup -----
>>Current search path:
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/User_Prado1_Obj.pk3 (16 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/User-zutphen.pk3 (20 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/User-wdcobj1.pk3 (8 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/user-tritone--greatsiege-glowfix101.pk3 (2 files)
>> /usr/local/MOHAA/main/user-tritone--greatsiege-algiers.pk3 (9 files)
>> /usr/local/MOHAA/main/user-Snow_Camp.pk3 (16 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/User-obj_thunderbeta.pk3 (19 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/User-obj_rustinpeace.pk3 (47 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/user-obj_lastcastle.pk3 (51 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/User-NormandyBridge_obj.pk3 (5 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/user-moonlightradioov.pk3 (19 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/User-MOHAAworld.com Maps.pk3 (112 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/User-lol_v2_new_3.pk3 (9 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/User-dmwolfcastle.pk3 (28 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/User-DE_TheFacilityDM.pk3 (16 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/User-dasboot.pk3 (21 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/user-courtyard.pk3 (14 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/User - objDesertBase.pk3 (20 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/thefarm.pk3 (45 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/Silo1.pk3 (26 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/ShermanHuntBeta211.pk3 (55 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/push_cityhall.pk3 (35 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/Prado1_Obj.pk3 (16 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/pak6.pk3 (104 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/Pak5.pk3 (259 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/Pak4.pk3 (593 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/Pak3.pk3 (669 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/Pak2.pk3 (4722 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/Pak1.pk3 (772 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/Pak0.pk3 (11175 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/OperationMoonlightRadio.pk3 (15 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/ObjNaziFort.pk3 (21 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/obj_teammg.pk3 (7 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/obj_maromg.pk3 (14 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/nestate.pk3 (18 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/hartnugen.pk3 (19 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/germanobj.pk3 (17 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/entdefs.pk3 (19 files)
>>/usr/local/MOHAA/main/Doomed.pk3 (13 files)
>>19046 files in pk3 files
>>execing default.cfg
>>execing menu.cfg
>>couldn't exec newconfig.cfg
>>Config: unnamedsoldier.cfg
>>couldn't exec configs/unnamedsoldier.cfg
>>couldn't exec localized.cfg
>>execing autoexec.cfg
>>couldn't exec custom.cfg
>>You are now setup for easy mode.
>>Opening IP socket:
>>Hostname: ns1.silvex.com
>>Alias: ns1.silvex.net
>>Alias: silvex.net
>>Alias: rrcs-west-24-199-16-170.biz.rr.com
>>Alias: silvex.com
>>Alias: www.silvex.com
>>Alias: pearl
>>Alias: eth1
>>Alias: mailhost
>>Alias: firewall
>>--- Common Initialization Complete --- 1921 ms
>>--- Localization: I see 0 localization files
>>--- Localization: reading file global/localization.txt
>>Loading Localization File global/localization.txt
>>Loaded 516 localization entries
>>WHAT AM I DOING WRONG!!?!?!?!?!?!?!
>>Ed Silva
>>Silvex Consulting Inc.
>>(714) 504-6870 Cell
>>(888) 209-0946 Pager

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