ping bug?

Eric Koldeweij eric at
Sat Jul 20 05:23:26 EDT 2002

Hello Ryan (and others),

I noticed some strange behavior.....

In my config files I have set the max. ping to connect with to 800. I 
have had a few attempted connections (on UDP? ;) ) by people with high 
pings, and this is what I see every time:

Client 155 connecting with 1100 challenge ping
Client 155 connecting with 4650 challenge ping
Client 155 connecting with 7100 challenge ping
Client 155 connecting with 10500 challenge ping
Client 155 connecting with 13550 challenge ping
Client 213 connecting with 200 challenge ping
Client 214 connecting with 300 challenge ping
Client 215 connecting with 900 challenge ping
Client 215 connecting with 3900 challenge ping
Client 215 connecting with 6900 challenge ping
Client 215 connecting with 9900 challenge ping
Client 215 connecting with 12900 challenge ping

It looks like a client tries 5 times to connect, and I think it's 
strange that ping times are growing this big. This might be a bug where 
ping times are not reset before calculation, especially since the 
difference between the ping times is almost always constant.
Am I right? or is there a problem with my network? Or do I misinterpret 
the log?
Mind, this happens EVERY time a High Ping player connects!


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