rotations, downloads & etc

charles 'wokka' goldsmith wokka at
Tue Aug 13 22:20:23 EDT 2002

Other than hacking up the pk3 files, has anyone been successful with
multiple game type map rotations?

Also, getting sv_allowdownload to work?  I know this isn't an ideal way to
get maps, but for those of us who want to run custom maps, its almost a

Plus not having the ability to use g_motd makes it hard to pass the word
about custom map packs.

One last question, has anyone seen a bot, supposedly running from a linux
server, that just advertises in the game, something to replace motd, plus
put a timed message out to everyone via the in-game chat?  I'm sure this can
be scripted from the console via tcl or something similar, just looking for
something already coded (why recreate the wheel :)


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