[lugaru] [PATCH] tolerate loss of focus

Ondřej Hošek ondra.hosek at gmail.com
Thu May 27 21:57:20 EDT 2010

Hello list members,

the attached patch implements a routine to enable Lugaru to deal with
loss of focus. Whereas previously, the game would freeze with no
chance of return, it should now pause processing and patiently await
the window manager's message that focus has been reinstated.

I won't argue that this patch is optimal, as it was born (within ten
minutes) out of frustration from Lugaru's freezes after Alt-Tabbing,
but I think most of us will agree that it's better than the
infinite-loop-due-to-stub that currently "handles" focus loss.

Apply, modify, and/or relicense at will.

~~ Ondra
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