I can't grab Mojo Setup

kain rvkain at gmail.com
Sun Dec 21 00:24:35 EST 2008


I'm not a good spekear of the English, but i wait wich you can
understand my pehistoric english :D.

I want to download the source code of Mojo Setup from the svn
(svn://svn.icculus.org/mojosetup/) but i can't donwload, svn give me
errors how:

svn: No repository found in 'svn://svn.icculus.org/mojosetup'

And i test with http:// occuping the place of svn:// and how was obvious:

svn: XML data was not well-formed

Can i download the code of Mojo setup from the some place? If it not
possible say me.

-- Kein

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