Moving items.

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at
Thu Jun 13 22:32:48 EDT 2002

You can now move items between queues, given your uid has the canMoveItems
flag associated with the queue you're moving from (zakk: let me know if I
should update any users), or you've got the canMoveAllItems
global rights flag (like me.  :)  ), and you've got access to the queue
you're moving to (it exists, it isn't locked, and it isn't invisible to

Moved items have the deleted and approved flags cleared, so you can't
sneak something onto someone else's frontpage by approving it on yours
and then moving it. Everything else (postdate, etc) are untouched.

The daemon command is "MOVEITEM itemNum newQueueNum". The IcculusNews.php
interface to the daemon is news_moveitem($socket, $itemNum, $newQueueNum),
and the web interface has a new button next to the queue list to allow for


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