[devastation] hiya d00ds

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at clutteredmind.org
Tue Apr 8 01:40:11 EDT 2003

> just sayin' hi.
> installing the game now.
> bbl. maybe.

To sum up the known bugs:

  - Flynn's video screens in the intro movie don't render. Haven't looked
at it; if it's render-to-texture we're out of luck, but it's not crucial
to the intro.
  - Game crashes after the intro movie during level cleanup. Start the
game from the command line with ./devastation-bin SP0M1-TheLab to skip to
the first level. Travel to other levels appears to work fine.
  - Multiplayer worked at one time, haven't tried it recently.
  - RoQ movies aren't rendering correctly (OpenGLDrv bug?)
  - Save games are broken.  :(
  - Probably other things.

Intro movie and savegames are the reason this hasn't been released yet.


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