[cod] Query limiting...

Luca Farflame Fabbro farflame at cybergames.it
Mon Oct 31 12:49:00 EDT 2011

On Oct 31, 2011, at 5:36 PM, escapedturkey wrote:

> Would the new unofficial COD 4 patch start to affect hlsw queries? A client says it shows lag spikes but when he is in the server it's smooth and zero lag. Any connection?

Yes, HLSW sends about 1 query per second when you look at a specific server and the default in the patch is to allow one request every 2 seconds.

Add this value in the config

set sv_queryIgnoreTime "900" 

For me 900 works as it seems that both HLSW client and server respect the timings, at least reduce it. The lower the number the higher the number of reply to the spoofed IP's

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