Dedicated Server Problems

Nander Paardekooper nander at
Wed Oct 29 17:33:46 EDT 2008

A few hours ago the server ran fine, no problems at all... Now when i 
login i saw the status said 'server is not running' so started a map and 
it is telling me the languages etc. (see downstairs) is missing... ?!!?

What the hell happend? I did not touch the files :-P

Server is not running.
]map mp_roundhouse
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: mp_roundhouse
resetting state..
Hostname: db-6iqjep381rek
PC IP: *.*.*.*
No languages available because no localized assets were found
ERROR: Dedicated server authentication failure.

Hitch warning: 2203 msec frame time

Best regards,

Nander Paardekooper.

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