Startup scripts for 1.7 - the previous don't work?

Georgecooldude georgecooldude at
Tue Jul 1 17:59:34 EDT 2008

Hey guys

What startup scripts are you all using for 1.7?

I'm using this one that was post publically but it doesn't work any more. I
noticed Ryan posted a new cod4_lnxded script but when I use that my server
runs version 1.6. If I try with the included cod4_lnxded and try running the
script it fails.

Any suggestions?

*#Call of Duty 4 Start Script
# -1--------------------------

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=":"

# Make sure the username and IP are correct
# ---------------------------------------------------------


# Let's make sure the server is not running
# -----------------------------------------
screen -S $USR -X quit
killall -9 cod4_lnxded

# Now the command line that starts the server
# ------------------------------------------

screen -A -m -d -S $USR $INSTALL/cod4_lnxded \
+set net_ip $IP +set net_port 28960 +set fs_basepath \
$INSTALL +set fs_homepath /home/$USR +set sv_punkbuster 1 \
+set sv_pure 1 +exec server.cfg +map_rotate

echo ""
echo "Cod4-Server running under user $USR has been started"
echo ""

# End of File
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