[cod] cod5 waw

P. Koomans@ dgservers p.koomans at dgservers.nl
Wed Dec 10 13:02:56 EST 2008

Here a working server.cfg file: 



// Call of Duty 5 WAW Server Configuration File





// Color Codes


// Colors for text. Do not clear the comment in front of the color codes.

// Useful for your server name, motd msg's - Information and ref use only 


// ^1 = Red 

// ^2 = Green

// ^3 = Yellow

// ^4 = Blue

// ^5 = Cyan

// ^6 = pink/Magenta

// ^7 = White

// ^0 = Black



// Public Information


sets sv_hostname "%hostname%"

sets _Admin "DGservers.nl"

sets _Email "info at dgservers.nl"

sets _Website "www.dgservers.nl"

sets _Location "NL"

sets _Irc ""

set scr_motd ""



// Server Information 



// "Message of the Day" -- Not sure if this even works 

set g_motd "" 


// Keywords (maybe a server search function?) 

set sv_keywords "" 


// Password Settings

set rcon_password " "// RCON must supply pw to use

set sv_privatePassword ""      // Private slots, non-public slots


// The following can be used to lock out the server so that only those

// players that have been provide the password can connect.  Good for

// matches, practices, etc.

set g_password ""



// Common Server Settings


// Log Settings

set g_logsync "2"            // 0=no log, 1=buffered, 2=continuous, 3=append

set logfile "1"               // 0 = NO log, 1 = log file enabled

set g_log "games_mp.log"         // Name of log file, default is

set sv_log_damage "1"


//set com_hunkMegs "512"

set net_noipx "1"            // Allow ONLY tcp/ip protocol, player/server




// Master servers


// don't believe these are needed.. Hardcoded perhaps, included but
commented out...


//set sv_master1 "cod5master.activision.com"

//set sv_master2 "cod5authorize.activision.com"

//set sv_master3 "cod5master.infinityward.com"

//set sv_master3 "cod5update.activision.com"

//set sv_master4 "master.gamespy.com:28960"

//set sv_master5 "master0.gamespy.com"

//set sv_master6 "master1.gamespy.com"

//set sv_gamespy "1"


// Ping 

set sv_minPing "0"            // MIN player ping on CONNECT, any lower and
player isnt allowed to connect

set sv_maxping "350"            // MAX player ping on CONNECT, any higher
and player isnt allowed to connect


// Client Download Settings. (0=off/1=on) Used for MODs and custom maps

// See included Quick Setup Guide for instructions.

set sv_allowdownload "1"

seta sv_wwwDownload "0"

seta sv_wwwBaseURL ""

seta sv_wwwBaseURL ""

seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"


// Rate 

//set sv_maxRate "25000" 


// FPS

//set sv_fps "20"


// Drop inactive players

set sv_timeout "600"

set sv_zombietime "1"

set g_inactivity "0"

set g_inactivityspectator "0"


// Voting

set g_allowVote "0"

set g_voteAbstainWeight "0.5"

set g_oldVoting "0"


// AntiFlooding Settings

set sv_floodProtect "4"

set sv_reconnectlimit "3"


// Anti Cheat Settings

set sv_disableClientConsole "1"

set cl_autocmd "0"

set sv_cheats "0"

set sv_pure "1"

set g_banIPs ""

set g_no_script_spam "1"

set sv_punkbuster "1"


// Temporary Ban duration, in seconds

set sv_kickBanTime "60"


// In-game voice communication system

set sv_voice "0"

set sv_voiceQuality "0"

set voice_deadChat "0"

set g_deadChat "0"

set voice_global "0"

set voice_localEcho "0"

set winvoice_mic_mute "0"



set scr_xpscale               1



set ui_gametype               tdm


set cg_hudlegacysplitscreenscale           2

set cg_hudsplitscreenstancescale           2

set cg_hudsplitscreencompassscale                      1.5

set cg_headiconminscreenradius            0.025

set ui_allow_controlschange                    1

set ui_showmap                                             1

set cg_hudMapBorderWidth                    2

set cg_hudMapFriendlyHeight                 15

set cg_hudMapFriendlyWidth                  15

set cg_hudMapPlayerHeight                     20

set cg_hudMapPlayerWidth                      20

set cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag               250

set waypointIconHeight              36

set waypointIconWidth               36

set waypointOffscreenPointerDistance    20

set cg_fovscale                                1

set cg_drawCrosshair                   1

set cg_drawCrosshairNames                     1


// UI

set cg_hudObjectiveTextScale                 0.3

set cg_headIconMinScreenRadius         0.015

set cg_hudMapFriendlyHeight                 15

set cg_hudMapFriendlyWidth                  15

set cg_hudMapPlayerHeight                     20

set cg_hudMapPlayerWidth                      20

set cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag               250

set cg_weaponHintsCoD1Style                1




// gameplay

set scr_game_graceperiod                        15

set scr_game_allowkillcam                        1

set scr_game_onlyheadshots                   0

set scr_game_deathpointloss                  0

set scr_game_suicidepointloss                0

set scr_team_teamkillpointloss               1

set scr_game_spectatetype                      1

set scr_game_perks                                     1

set scr_game_forceradar                           0

set scr_game_hardpoints                           1

set scr_allowbattlechatter         1

set scr_allowannouncer              1

set scr_game_forceradar                           0

set scr_vehicles_enabled           1

set vehControlMode                                    0


// hardpoints

set scr_hardpoint_allowartillery              1

set scr_hardpoint_allowuav                      1

set scr_hardpoint_allowdogs                    1


// teams

set scr_team_fftype                                     0             

set scr_team_respawntime                      0

set scr_team_teamkillspawndelay         20

set scr_team_kickteamkillers                   0

set scr_team_teamkillerplaylistbanquantum    0

set scr_team_teamkillerplaylistbanpenalty    0


// player

set scr_player_numlives            0

set scr_player_respawndelay                   0

set scr_player_maxhealth                          100

set scr_player_suicidespawndelay         0

set scr_player_healthregentime             5

set scr_player_forcerespawn                   1

set scr_player_sprinttime           4


// dogs

set scr_dog_time                                           60

set scr_dog_health                                       100

set scr_dog_count                                         8

set scr_dog_max_at_once                        4


// UI

set scr_hardcore                             0

set scr_oldschool                                           0

set ui_hud_hardcore                                    0

set ui_hud_obituaries                  1

set ui_hud_showobjicons                          1



set scr_dm_scorelimit                  150

set scr_dm_timelimit                    10

set scr_dm_roundlimit                 1

set scr_dm_numlives                   0

set scr_dm_playerrespawndelay            0

set scr_dm_waverespawndelay              0

set scr_dm_globalbattlechatterprobability   100



set scr_dom_scorelimit               200

set scr_dom_timelimit                 0

set scr_dom_roundlimit              1

set scr_dom_numlives                 0

set scr_dom_playerrespawndelay                         0

set scr_dom_waverespawndelay           0

set scr_dom_globalbattlechatterprobability   0



set scr_tdm_scorelimit                750

set scr_tdm_timelimit                  30

set scr_tdm_roundlimit               1

set scr_tdm_numlives                  0

set scr_tdm_playerrespawndelay         0

set scr_tdm_waverespawndelay            0

set scr_tdm_globalbattlechatterprobability   0



set scr_sab_scorelimit                  1

set scr_sab_timelimit                   20

set scr_sab_roundlimit                0

set scr_sab_roundswitch                            1

set scr_sab_numlives                   0

set scr_sab_bombtimer              30

set scr_sab_planttime                  2.5

set scr_sab_defusetime              5

set scr_sab_hotpotato                 0

set scr_sab_playerrespawndelay            7.5

set scr_sab_waverespawndelay             0

set scr_sab_globalbattlechatterprobability   0



set scr_sd_scorelimit                    4

set scr_sd_timelimit                      2.5

set scr_sd_roundlimit                   0

set scr_sd_roundswitch              3   // rounds between switching teams

set scr_sd_numlives                     1   // elimination

set scr_sd_bombtimer                 45

set scr_sd_planttime                    5

set scr_sd_defusetime                5

set scr_sd_multibomb                 0

set scr_sd_playerrespawndelay              0

set scr_sd_waverespawndelay                0

set scr_sd_globalbattlechatterprobability   0



set scr_ctf_scorelimit                   3

set scr_ctf_timelimit                     5

set scr_ctf_roundlimit                  2

set scr_ctf_roundswitch              1

set scr_ctf_numlives                     0

set scr_ctf_playerrespawndelay             0

set scr_ctf_waverespawndelay               15

set scr_ctf_touchreturn              1

set scr_ctf_idleflagreturntime                  30

set scr_ctf_flagrespawntime                    0

set scr_ctf_enemycarriervisible         0

set scr_ctf_globalbattlechatterprobability   0



set scr_koth_scorelimit               250

set scr_koth_timelimit                 15

set scr_koth_roundlimit              1

set scr_koth_roundswitch         1

set scr_koth_numlives                 0

set scr_koth_playerrespawndelay         0

set scr_koth_waverespawndelay           0

set koth_autodestroytime                         60

set koth_spawntime                                    0

set koth_kothmode                                      0

set koth_capturetime                  20

set koth_destroytime                  10

set koth_delayPlayer                    0

set koth_spawnDelay                                  60

set scr_koth_globalbattlechatterprobability   0


// WAR

set scr_twar_timelimit                 10

set twar_finalFightTimeLimit                     5

set twar_captureTime                  40

set twar_neutralFlagLockTime                 0

set twar_captureAccelBonus                    35

set twar_captureAccelLimit                       50

set twar_momentumEnabled                  1

set twar_momentumMax                          70

set twar_momentumMaxMultiplier                      3

set twar_momentumMultiplierBonus                  25

set twar_momentumMultiplierBonusLimit   75

set twar_momentumBlitzkriegTime         30

set twar_momentumFlagCap                   25

set twar_momentumKillPlayer                5

set twar_momentumRadar                       10

set twar_momentumArtillery                   10

set twar_momentumDogs                         10

set twar_momentumKamikaze               10

set scr_twar_globalbattlechatterprobability   0


set sv_mapRotation "gametype tdm map mp_airfield gametype tdm map mp_asylum
gametype tdm map mp_castle gametype tdm map mp_shrine gametype tdm map
mp_courtyard gametype tdm map mp_dome gametype tdm map mp_downfall gametype
tdm map mp_hangar gametype tdm map mp_makin gametype tdm map mp_outskirts
gametype tdm map mp_roundhouse gametype tdm map mp_seelow gametype tdm map


Met Vriendelijke Groeten,

Patrick koomans


Zandplaat 9

4386HC Vlissingen



W: http://www.dgservers.nl

M:  <mailto:koomansvandort at hotmail.com> koomansvandort at hotmail.com / NIEUW
BEDRIJFS MSN |  <mailto:dgservers at live.nl> dgservers at live.nl | 

X:  patricos32

E:   info at dgservers.nl




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Van: dnk [mailto:d.k.emaillists at gmail.com] 
Verzonden: woensdag 10 december 2008 18:21
Aan: cod at icculus.org
Onderwerp: Re: [cod] cod5 waw


Just searching for a working server.cfg. Then it will be ready.






On 10-Dec-08, at 8:53 AM, Thiago Rodrigo wrote:

Wainting yet... TIA!!!

2008/12/10 dnk <d.k.emaillists at gmail.com>

Hey guys, I am almost done the tutorial.... 


The part that wonked out on me (maybe something to do with my system), was
the cod install. When I downloaded the files from gamespy, and ran those
(without an install) then it all started working!




I have to say though... for those of you who have no preference as to which
linux you run it on, you may want to use ubuntu (as brendan mentioned) as
then you don't need to compile wine. I wrote my tutorial with compiling
wine, etc as I prefer to use centos 5.


So I just have to put together a server.cfg now. Any good examples out





On 9-Dec-08, at 10:44 AM, Donald Stephens wrote:


You run the windows install and patch in wine just as if you were installing
in windows.



From: dnk [mailto:d.k.emaillists at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 10:16 AM
To: cod at icculus.org
Subject: Re: [cod] cod5 waw


Did you just copy the patches 1.1 from a windows install to get it running
in WIne? Or did you run an actual Install of COD for wine?





On 9-Dec-08, at 9:55 AM, ghozt wrote:


I have got codwawmp.exe server running pretty easily..

On running centos5


heres a quick summary on what ive done from reading these emails

1:  Installed X and gnome ( yum groupinstall "X Window System" "GNOME
Desktop Environment" )

2:  Installed VNCSERVER (
http://www.7ota.com/blog/2008/09/install-vnc-server-on-centos/ )

3: Compiled wine v 1.1.10 (had to remove 1.0.1x)

4:  Compiled Mesa3D ( http://www.mesa3d.org/download.html )

5: made my startup script  --below--


cd /home/ghozt/homes/codwaw/cod5/
wine CoDWaWmp.exe +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip ghozt.org <http://ghozt.org/>
+set net_port 28960 +set ui_maxclients 40 +exec server.cfg +exec
maprotation.cfg +map_rotate


Thanks to everyone who figured it all out!






----- Original Message -----

From: Alistair McCoy <mailto:admin at ifusionhosting.co.uk> 

To: cod at icculus.org

Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 11:47 AM

Subject: [cod] cod5 waw


Could someone please give a step by step guide as how to set this up (simple
instructions please)


Or a link to a set of instructions possibly with screenshots


Thanks for any help




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