[cod] New Version of CoD4 1.7?

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at icculus.org
Mon Aug 11 10:58:08 EDT 2008

> Is there a new version of the 1.7 patch floating around?  My server is 
> reporting that it is an running an old version of the game, however it 
> says it is version 1.7.

Is it possible you are running cod4_lnxded-bin instead of cod4_lnxded?

There was a screwup in 1.7; I copied the new build over the small shell 
script instead of the actual binary. So if you run *-bin, you end up 
with a 1.6 server.

If there's a 1.8, we'll correct this to how it was before 1.7.


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