[cod] The "PB" folder isn't there.

Robert Bronson admin at servernitro.com
Thu Oct 27 09:05:19 EDT 2005

Yep I run my own personal servers without PB, as for customers. Its up to
them. I think from the begining COD has been a very well balanced game and
You can usually tell if someone is cheating. But that just my opinion.

>> Well I think that PB is really just a waste and lags down servers and
>> client.
> So you run your COD and UO servers without it?
>> Besides by the time evenbalance updates there servers with new
>> cheats the cheaters will already have 20 new ones.
> That's where the folks at Punksbusted.com step in.  Using md5 checks
> they look for the files that PB doesn't detect.  They do an excellent
> job.  I haven't looked lately, but the last time i checked almost all
> of my busted punks were md5 detected, not native PB detects.
> --Rob


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