Odd Log Data and GUIDs

Jeff Abbott fdivbug at gmail.com
Sun Jan 2 21:55:35 EST 2005

Hello folks,

I'm writing a stats processing engine for CoD (I don't care for
mohstats and it seems to be the only functional one out there) and I
was noticing something interesting in my test log:

126:38 J;405817;5;!nferno
126:38 J;405817;4;^7pow^9e^7rsor^3.
128:07 say;405817;4;powersor.;b
128:12 A;405817;4;allies;^7pow^9e^7rsor^3.;bomb_plant
128:36 D;405817;5;axis;!nferno;405817;4;allies;^7pow^9e^7rsor^3.;bar_mp;56;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_lower
128:36 K;405817;5;axis;!nferno;405817;4;allies;^7pow^9e^7rsor^3.;bar_mp;56;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_lower
128:41 W;allies;405817;^7pow^9e^7rsor^3.
128:41 L;axis;405817;!nferno

What I'm seeing here is this guy appears to be joining two clients
with the same GUID.  I was under the impression that GUIDs were unique
and were based on your CD key.  Am I mistaken?  It's very clearly two
separate clients as not only does he shoot "himself" but he is also on
both the winning and losing teams.  Any thoughts as to what's going


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