
Ploppy ploppy at
Tue Feb 15 16:57:15 EST 2005

My server (UO) keeps crashing a few times a week. I get a lot of script
errors in my logging, but there is no mods/maps installed other then the
default mappack. 
******* script runtime error *******
pair has unmatching types 'string' and 'string': (file
'maps\mp\gametypes\_rank_gmi.gsc', line 857)
 while ( level.battlerank )^M
called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_rank_gmi.gsc', line 858)
   wait (0.01);^M
WARNING: Server should have crashed here!
WARNING: Look for console commands player might be exploiting!
******* script runtime error *******
pair has unmatching types 'string' and 'string': (file
'maps\mp\gametypes\_rank_gmi.gsc', line 857)
 while ( level.battlerank )^M
called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_rank_gmi.gsc', line 858)
   wait (0.01);^M
WARNING: Server should have crashed here!
WARNING: Look for console commands player might be exploiting!
There was an issue about these notifications, is there any news on
this?? After crashing it takes 100% cpu btw. (linux install)
I want to check the files again using md5. Does someone know where to
find md5 hashes for 1.5 and 1.51???
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