Master Server Software..??

Kenny Southpark afp_kenny at
Thu Feb 10 01:31:43 EST 2005

Does anyone know where to get the software to run your own masterserver for 
CoD and UO? Well for any other game while we are on the subject...

This is the situation....

On Jan 29/30 we had our first of 3 400man LAN events this year. We did have 
limited internet access for people and had been running the official event 
servers in LAN mode. We have been informed that not everyone was seeing the 
servers in Local. Outside of trying to list all server IP address's on 
overhead screens and maybe doing an intranet http page with server IP's 
listed so the gamers can find them we are playing with the idea of running 
the event closed (no internet) and maybe trying to run our own master server 
and spoof the master lookup for the clients....

You can checkout the write-up THG did on the event here....



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