[cod] 1.51b

Jim Mayes jim.mayes at onemean.net
Fri Feb 4 22:55:36 EST 2005

Anyone care to share a like to "bits fixes"... with IWnation down and all

-----Original Message-----
From: David David [mailto:panhead20 at lycos.com] 
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 7:07 PM
To: cod at icculus.org
Subject: Re: [cod] 1.51b

Are you running Bit's fix?

GSC Script fixes by Bits

01/10/05 -- Initial release

Fixes the following errors:

******* script runtime error *******
pair has unmatching types 'codepos' and 'undefined': (file
'maps\mp\gametypes\tdm.gsc', line 825)
 setTeamScore(self.pers["team"], teamscore);

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to string: (file 'maps\mp\_jeepdrive_gmi.gsc', line
precacheShader( level.tank_hud_bar );

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to string: (file 'maps\mp\_jeepdrive_gmi.gsc', line
 overheat setShader(level.tank_hud_bar, hud_width, 5);

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic.gsc',
line 183)
    if(aliveplayers[j].pers["team"] == self.pers["team"])

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