[cod] Howdy

Ken ken at moonridge.net
Thu Nov 4 15:52:49 EST 2004

I think this might be it, "seta protocol "1". Don't really think that this
is req. and I don't think that is the correct protocol.

-----Original Message-----
From: stalvi [mailto:stalvi at tek.iarc.uaf.edu] 
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 11:54 AM
To: cod at icculus.org
Subject: Re: [cod] Howdy


./cod_lnxded +set dedicated 2 +set fs_homepath "/usr/local/games/cod/" 
+exec bear.cfg

Also, I copied and pasted the beginning of the file twice.  Corrected 

On Nov 4, 2004, at 10:45 AM, Geoff Goas wrote:

> are you exec'ing the server with any command-line options?

seta sv_hostname "Alaska {SD}"
seta g_privatepassword "******"
seta rconPassword "******"
seta g_log "server_log.log"
seta protocol "1"
seta sv_pure "1"
seta g_logsync "0"
//seta sv_gamespy "1"
seta sv_floodprotect "1"
seta g_forceteamspectate "1"
seta sv_invulnerabletime "3"
seta g_teamkillwarn "3"
seta g_teamkillkick "5"
seta g_teamswitchdelay "10"
seta sv_maxping "199"
seta sv_maxrate "15000"

// MasterServers
seta sv_master1 "codmaster.activision.com"
seta sv_master2 "master.gamespy.com:28960"
seta sv_master3 "master0.gamespy.com"
seta sv_master4 "codauthorize.activision.com"
seta sv_master5 ""
seta sv_gamespy "1"

seta scr_motd "Got that warm fuzzy feeling that you just have to kill
seta sv_maxclients "24" //Max number of players
seta sv_privateclients "4"
seta g_password ""
seta g_allowvote "0"

//General Game Default Description
seta scr_allow_bar "1" //0 - disable weapon 1 - enable weapon
seta scr_allow_bren "1"
seta scr_allow_enfield "1"
seta scr_allow_fg42 "1"
seta scr_allow_kar98k "1"
seta scr_allow_kar98ksniper "1"
seta scr_allow_m1carbine "1"
seta scr_allow_m1garand "1"
seta scr_allow_mp40 "1"
seta scr_allow_mp44 "1"
seta scr_allow_nagant "1"
seta scr_allow_nagantsniper "1"
seta scr_allow_panzerfaust "1"
seta scr_allow_ppsh "1"
seta scr_allow_springfield "1"
seta scr_allow_sten "1"
seta scr_allow_thompson "1"
seta scr_allow_vote "0" //Allow call voting
seta scr_drawfriend "0" //Draws a team icon over teammates
seta scr_forcerespawn "1" //Force respawning - DM & TDM
seta scr_friendlyfire "2" //0 - off 1 - on 2 - reflect damage

//Behind Enemy Lines Default Description
seta scr_bel_alivepointtime "10" //Number of seconds to get a point for
staying alive as allied
seta scr_bel_scorelimit "50" //Map score limit
seta scr_bel_timelimit "20" //Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440

//Deathmatch Default Description
seta scr_dm_scorelimit "150" //Map score limit
seta scr_dm_timelimit "20" //Map time limit - 0 to 1440, in minutes

//Retrieval Default Description
seta scr_re_graceperiod "15" //Time at round start where spawning and
weapon choosing is still allowed, 0 - 60 in seconds
seta scr_re_roundlength "10" //Map round length in minutes
seta scr_re_roundlimit "5" //Max Number of round wins per map
seta scr_re_scorelimit "0" //Map score limit
seta scr_re_showcarrier "0" //Show the objective carrier on compass
seta scr_re_timelimit "20" //Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440

//Search and Destroy Default Description
seta scr_sd_graceperiod "15" //Time at round start where spawning and
weapon choosing is still allowed, 0 - 60 seconds
seta scr_sd_roundlength "10" //round length
seta scr_sd_roundlimit "5" //Max Number of round wins per map
seta scr_sd_scorelimit "0" //Map team score limit per map
seta scr_sd_timelimit "30" //Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440

//Team Deathmatch Default Description
seta scr_tdm_scorelimit "150" //Map score limit
seta scr_tdm_timelimit "25"

//Objective Default Description
set scr_obj_graceperiod "15"    // Time at round start where spawning
and weap.
                                 // choosing is still allowed, 0 - 60
set scr_obj_roundlength "15"    // round length
set scr_obj_roundlimit  "5"     // Max Number of round wins per map
set scr_obj_scorelimit  "0"     // Map team score limit per map
set scr_obj_timelimit   "0"     // Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to

set ham_obj_stopwatch   "1"     // show timer for bombs
set ham_obj_bombplant   "8"     // seconds to defuse bomb
set ham_obj_bombdefuse  "8"     // seconds to defuse bomb
set ham_obj_bombtimer   "25"    // seconds before explode

//Round-based TDM Default Description
set scr_rb_graceperiod  "15"    // Time at round start where spawning
and weap.
                                 // choosing is still allowed, 0 - 60
set scr_rb_roundlength  "15"    // round length
set scr_rb_roundlimit   "10"    // Max Number of round wins per map
set scr_rb_scorelimit   "0"     // Map team score limit per map
set scr_rb_timelimit    "0"     // Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to

PB_SV_ENABLE //Enable Punkbuster anti-cheat
WAIT //Pauses the server for PB to load

exec sd_map.cfg

*** sd_map.cfg file is:

set sv_hostname "Alaska {SD}"
set scr_motd "your MOTD here"
sv_maprotationcurrent ""

set g_gametype "sd" //gametype: bel, dm, re, sd, tdm

set sv_mapRotation "gametype sd map mp_brecourt gametype sd map
mp_carentan gametype sd map mp_dawnville gametype sd map mp_depot
gametype sd m
ap mp_harbor gametype sd map mp_hurtgen gametype sd map mp_pavlov
gametype sd map mp_railyard gametype sd map mp_rocket"


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