[cod] startup script

Troy Chinnery t_chinnery at iprimus.com.au
Thu May 20 00:26:43 EDT 2004

I nicked this from the [mohaa] list a while back, I think. I've adapted it to 
run all my servers on linux, not just game servers too. (code quoted for effect).

> #!/bin/bash
> echo cod_load.sh: Load Call of Duty With Screen
> cd /home/coduser/.callofduty
> echo cod_load.sh: Screen Call of Duty Detached Console
> screen -S cod -m -d ./cod.sh
> echo cod_load.sh: Finished Screen Command

You could put that executable in /usr/bin or just in /home/coduser (Don't 
forget to set the executable bit (chmod ugo+x cod_load.sh)

> #!/bin/bash
> echo cod.sh: Launching Call of Duty
> cd /usr/local/games/callofduty
> echo cod.sh: Loop Initialize
> while true
>    do
>    echo cod.sh: Loop Start
>    echo cod.sh: To Exit Loop Hit CTRL-C While Sleeping
>    sleep 5
>    echo cod.sh: Server Start
>    ./cod_lnxded +set dedicated 1 +set com_hunkMegs 128 +set com_zoneMegs 32 +exec serverexec.cfg
>    echo cod.sh: Server Exit
>    echo cod.sh: To Exit Loop Hit CTRL-C While Sleeping
>    echo cod.sh: Sleep 15 Seconds
>    sleep 15
>    echo cod.sh: Loop Restart
> done

Set dedicated to 2 for an Internet server of course. Pretty elegant solution 
to auto restarting the server as well.
Can type 'screen -r cod' to get to the CoD console, and hit ctrl+a,d to detach 
it again. I've seen far more complex ones do pretty much the same thing. But 
for more features, like log archiving etc etc you would need something a 
little more complex at least.


James Casey - DigitalNetwork Limited wrote:

> Hi All
> Finally got my cod server running, running version 1.4.
> I start the server manually through ssh and whenever i log off ssh it closes
> the server so i want it to run as a service but my linux knowledge is pretty
> limited does any one havea script for doing thisor can point me in the right
> direction.
> Many thanks
> James

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