[cod] Running linux server on a different port

Bryan Kuhn bryan at infinityward.com
Fri Oct 31 19:56:46 EST 2003

- replies below

-----Original Message-----
From: MayDay [mailto:MayDay at Players-Inc.dk] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 4:41 PM
To: cod at icculus.org
Subject: Re: [cod] Running linux server on a different port

I just had this wierd problem where scr_allow_vote keept getting set to "1"

I had it to 0 in the config, and if i rcon scr_allow_vote "0" it worked and
the callvote menu was not there, but 1min after people were still voting and
the callvote menu was back.

>>> You need to set g_allowvote 0 as well to really get rid of voting.

Also, are there server cvar's for:

Forcing team balance.
Forcing on-connect, auto select side.
Locking Spectator to one side.
Rcon admins "Like ET".
Setting min/max allowed client maxpackets.

>>> Not currently

Are there a server command for map rotation that switches playing sides? so
you can set one map and then play it to the end, switch sides and restart it
without loading?

>>> Not currently as theres no way to force teams, but this should be fairly
easy to do as a mod.


***** Example of my server_sd.cfg *****
set sv_hostname   "xxxxxxxx"
set g_banIPs   ""
set g_password   ""
set rconPassword  "xxxxxx"
set g_log   "" // watch out!! This gets big fast, but it is very detailed!!!
set g_logsync   "0"

set scr_motd   "xxxxxx"

set sv_maxclients  "16"
set sv_maxrate   "12000"
set sv_maxping   "75"

//General Game Default Description
set scr_allow_bar  "1"
set scr_allow_bren  "1"
set scr_allow_enfield  "1"
set scr_allow_fg42  "0"
set scr_allow_kar98k  "1"
set scr_allow_kar98ksniper "1"
set scr_allow_m1carbine  "1"
set scr_allow_m1garand  "1"
set scr_allow_mp40  "1"
set scr_allow_mp44  "1"
set scr_allow_nagant  "1"
set scr_allow_nagantsniper "1"
set scr_allow_panzerfaust "0"
set scr_allow_ppsh  "1"
set scr_allow_springfield "1"
set scr_allow_sten  "1"
set scr_allow_thompson  "1"

set scr_allow_vote  "0" // Allow call voting
set scr_drawfriend  "1" // Draws a team icon over teammates
set scr_forcerespawn  "0" // Force respawning - DM & TDM
set scr_friendlyfire  "0" // 0 - off 1 - on 2 - reflect damage

//Deathmatch Default Description
set scr_dm_scorelimit  "50" // Map score limit
set scr_dm_timelimit  "30" // Map time limit - 0 to 1440, in minutes

//Team Deathmatch Default Description
set scr_tdm_scorelimit  "100" // Map score limit
set scr_tdm_timelimit  "30" //

//Retrieval Default Description
set scr_re_graceperiod  "10" // Time at round start where spawning and
weapon choosing is still allowed, 0 - 60 in seconds
set scr_re_roundlength  "4" // Map round length in minutes
set scr_re_roundlimit  "0" // Max Number of round wins per map
set scr_re_scorelimit  "10" // Map score limit
set scr_re_showcarrier  "0" // Show the objective carrier on compass
set scr_re_timelimit  "30" // Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440

//Search and Destroy Default Description
set scr_sd_graceperiod  "10" // Time at round start where spawning and
weapon choosing is still allowed, 0 - 60 seconds
set scr_sd_roundlength  "4" // Round length
set scr_sd_roundlimit  "0" // Max Number of round wins per map
set scr_sd_scorelimit  "10" // Map team score limit per map
set scr_sd_timelimit  "30" // Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440

//Behind Enemy Lines Default Description
set scr_bel_alivepointtime "10" // Number of seconds to get a point for
staying alive as allied
set scr_bel_scorelimit  "50" // Map score limit
set scr_bel_timelimit  "30" // Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440

exec mapcycle_sd.cfg

***** EOF *****

I have mapcycle for all modes and can quickly change the mode of the server
by executing just that !

***** Example of my mapcycle_sd.cfg *****

set sv_mapRotation "gametype sd map mp_brecourt gametype sd map mp_carentan
gametype sd map mp_dawnville gametype sd map mp_depot gametype sd map
mp_harbor gametype sd map mp_hurtgen gametype sd map mp_pavlov gametype sd
map mp_railyard gametype sd map mp_rocket"
set g_gametype "sd"
map mp_rocket

***** EOF *****

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