[cod] Linux Server

viper viper at totalerkrieg.com
Sun Nov 23 08:12:06 EST 2003

goto http://sos.noginn.com/codserver to make your own config !

here a sample.:

//  Passwords
set rconPassword "xxxxxxxxxxx"
set g_password "xxxxxxxxxx"
set sv_privatePassword "xxxxxxxxx"

//  Public Information
set sv_hostname "^1#clan.uKm ^5CoD Public Server"
set scr_motd "ViSiT.: www,totalerkrieg.com | We are ReCrUtInG"
sets .Admin "vIPER at Mandrake"
sets .Email "vIPER at totalerkrieg.com"
sets .IRC "#clan.ukm @ Quake - Net"
sets .Website "http://www.totalerkrieg.com"
sets .Location "Germany"

//  General Settings
set scr_friendlyfire "1"
set sv_maxClients "20"
set sv_privateClients "4"
set sv_maxRate "20000"
set sv_minPing "0"
set sv_maxPing "180"
set sv_pure "1"
set logfile "1"
set g_log "games_mp.log"
set g_allowVote "1"
set scr_allow_vote "1"
set sv_allowAnonymous "1"
set sv_allowDownload "1"
set sv_cheats "0"
set sv_fps "20"
set sv_master1 "codmaster.activision.com"
set sv_master2 ""
set sv_master3 ""
set sv_master4 ""
set sv_master5 ""

//  Weapons
set scr_allow_bar "1"
set scr_allow_bren "1"
set scr_allow_enfield "1"
set scr_allow_fg42 "1"
set scr_allow_kar98k "1"
set scr_allow_kar98ksniper "1"
set scr_allow_m1carbine "1"
set scr_allow_m1garand "1"
set scr_allow_mp40 "1"
set scr_allow_mp44 "1"
set scr_allow_nagant "1"
set scr_allow_nagantsniper "1"
set scr_allow_panzerfaust "1"
set scr_allow_ppsh "1"
set scr_allow_springfield "1"
set scr_allow_sten "1"
set scr_allow_thompson "1"

//  DM
set scr_dm_scorelimit "50"
set scr_dm_timelimit "30"
set scr_drawfriend "1"
set scr_forcerespawn "0"

//  TDM
set scr_tdm_scorelimit "100"
scr_tdm_timelimit "25"

//  SD
set scr_sd_graceperiod "15"
set scr_sd_roundlength "4"
set scr_sd_roundlimit "0"
set scr_sd_scorelimit "7"
set scr_sd_timelimit "0"

//  BEL
set scr_bel_alivepointtime "10"
set scr_bel_scorelimit "50"
set scr_bel_timelimit "30"

//  RE
set scr_re_graceperiod "15"
set scr_re_roundlength "4"
set scr_re_roundlimit "0"
set scr_re_scorelimit "7"
set scr_re_timelimit "0"
set scr_re_showcarrier "0"

//  Map Rotation
set sv_mapRotation "gametype tdm map mp_brecourt
gametype tdm map mp_chateau
gametype tdm map mp_dawnville
gametype tdm map mp_rocket
gametype tdm map mp_ship
gametype sd map mp_brecourt
gametype sd map mp_carentan
gametype sd map mp_dawnville
gametype sd map mp_depot
gametype sd map mp_harbor
gametype sd map mp_hurtgen
gametype sd map mp_pavlov
gametype sd map mp_railyard
gametype sd map mp_rocket
gametype bel map mp_chateau
gametype bel map mp_depot
gametype bel map mp_harbor
gametype bel map mp_powcamp
gametype bel map mp_rocket "
set sv_mapRotationCurrentmap "mp_brecourt "

u would like start it over webmin or shell ???? u need this script

#! /bin/sh
# Soldier of Fortune 2 Server.
# Oliver Dörfler ( Oliver.Doerfler at root4you.de )
# °dM{Ç!ðwN-=GER=-}To°
# vIPER at Mandrake 
# Visit: www.Root4You.de and www.Divinus-Manus.de
# ===========================================

# Internet-server:
PARAMS="+set dedicated 2 +exec dedicated.cfg +map_rotate"

case "$1" in
   echo "Starting $DESC: $NAME"
   cd $DIR
   screen -A -m -d -S $NAME $DAEMON $PARAMS

   if [[ `screen -ls |grep $NAME` ]]
       echo -n "Stopping $DESC: $NAME"
       kill `screen -ls |grep $NAME |awk -F . '{print $1}'|awk '{print
       echo " ... done."
       echo "Coulnd't find a running $DESC"

   if [[ `screen -ls |grep $NAME` ]]
       echo -n "Stopping $DESC: $NAME"
       kill `screen -ls |grep $NAME |awk -F . '{print $1}'|awk '{print
       echo " ... done."
       echo "Coulnd't find a running $DESC"

   echo -n "Starting $DESC: $NAME"
   cd $DIR
   screen -d -m -S $NAME $DAEMON $PARAMS
   echo " ... done."

   echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
   exit 1

exit 0


save it as codpublic.sh ( start// ./codpublic.sh start,stop,restart )) u
can use that for webmin interface. (magic buttons ;) )

normaly u starting over ssh

./cod_lnxded +set dedicated 2 +exec dedicated.cfg +map_rotate 

(use screen, to the background)



Am Son, 2003-11-23 um 13.52 schrieb mike:
> Could someone please send me a config file and the command on linux. I have
> been trying to get this working but cannot connect?
> It would help to see someone elses command and config...
> Cheers
> Happy COD

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