Server Crashing

Josh Berry josh at
Mon Nov 10 19:30:34 EST 2003

I have set up the CoD server using the beta release of the server and it
works fine most of the time but will occasionally crash with the
following errors:

******* script runtime error *******
index 16 is an illegal objective index. Valid indexes are 0 to 15
: (file 'maps\mp\gametypes\bel.gsc', line 1560)
called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\bel.gsc', line 879)
 self check_delete_objective();
called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\bel.gsc', line 274)
called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\bel.gsc', line 210)
 self waittill("begin");
called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_callbacksetup.gsc', line 37)
ERROR: script runtime error
(see console for details)
----- Server Shutdown -----
Sending heartbeat to
==== ShutdownGame ====
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok

I cannot find a pattern based on maps etc, has anyone else had this
problem or know how to fix it.

Also, and unrelated, how do you turn on logging, I have put:

+set developer 2
+set logfile 3

in my configs but cannot find the logfile. Do you know if this is
correct, and if so where does the logfile get saved to?



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