[cod] Memory usage

Joe Brown joe at overdrivepc.com
Mon Nov 10 08:32:34 EST 2003

Joe Brown wrote:

> I tried starting a server without +rotate  and using vstr mr1....  to 
> rotate maps, but it's not rotating maps.   I can issue /rcon vstr 
> mr1...  and it rotates, but from what I see nextmap is ignored.  :(

Since I tried to implement a vstr nextmap vstr...  type scheme, the test 
server didn't rotate maps.  Curiously enough, the memory leak exists the 
same, even tho the server didn't change maps, and after about 4 hours, 
it got stuck again, at the status screen.  This doesn't rule out the 
+maprotate code, but I kinda expected different behaviour.

After the 2nd status screen I killed it.  So the bandwidth graphs will 
reflect that.

Hate to make this the last note: But you know the original Q3 engine has 
a memory leak in it too?  It's not nearly as severe as the CoD server, 
but the two may be related.  The Q3 leak seems to be related to the 
number of games played, map rotating inconsequential.  I run a couple 
insta-gib 1v1 servers that are never change from q3dm17.  Those go thru 
a lot of games during the course of a day and I can certainly see a leak.

eg: 2 identical q3 servers, one was shutdown this morning, the other was 
busy.  Since the leak isn't too bad, if ppl are on during shutdown time, 
the servers don't restart (from top it looks like this):
20104 q3-i-1-u  10  -5 21328  20M  1904 S <   3.8  2.0   2:20 q3ded
22730 q3-i-1-u  10  -5 96604  14M  1124 S <   1.4  1.4 336:56 q3ded
21M vs 96M as in one server just started, vs one up for 24+ hours, 
(guestimating there's close to 500 games played, per day).


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