Confirmation EA uses server names to find 'hackers' & 1st patch will stop unlocked servers

[RNGD]Tyrant tyrant at
Tue Jun 21 16:50:37 EDT 2005

Saw this post on insomnia forums:

Someone wrote to EA asking if they could put 'unlock' in their server name
if they use the 'allow global unlock' feature to attract ranked players to
their unranked server. Here is EA's telling response:

Best not to put it in your server name, as users can see if you allow
unlocks the proper way (using the setting you mention) in the browser. 

Regardless, the unlocks issue will be mooted when we release the first
update. At that point it will become ok to use word "unlocks" in the server

[EA]Die Fledermaus

Not sure if the first patch will eliminate the ability to mod the
file or it will give them a way to search for servers that have modded it,
but it does look like they are determined to stop unlocked servers. I
wouldn't be surprised if we see this patch soon (remember BF1942 had its
first patch the day it was released)

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