[bf1942] Missing event: InitiateVote(playerId,voteType)

Forrest Thiessen thiessen at alum.mit.edu
Mon Jul 4 13:10:07 EDT 2005

Yes, if you're playing the game, it does indeed announce who started the
vote (making it easy to start a kick vote, if necessary, to get rid of
people who abuse mutiny votes).

However, Einar's original point is still valid: there doesn't seem to be
any way to tell from Python that a vote is underway, or who started it.
. . or even if a vote is successful!  With the existing events
available, all Python would see in a successful mutiny vote is a
ChangedCommander event--which could have happened due to the commander
resigning, too; if the vote is unsuccessful, you wouldn't see anything.

If you want to do comprehensive logging of what's happening in the game,
this is a major problem--it doesn't matter that players receive the
information: your game logs wouldn't show it, and couldn't show it. Same
thing if you wanted to add some admin features related to these
votes--forget it, the hooks aren't available.

This isn't the only event that's missing: want to make a mod where a
radio command causes a bomb to explode?  You can't--Python has no access
to the internal RadioMessageEvent. Etc., etc. . . .

If you look at
you'll see a long list of internal game engine events for which there is
no corresponding hook in Python.  Why?  It's obvious that, internally,
BF2 uses an event-driven architecture, and it looks like DICE just added
a little code to their own event handlers that calls a procedure that
checks for and dispatches to registered Python event handlers.  Why not
just add that to EVERY internal game event?  It would probably not be
very much work, and would make all kinds of things possible that simply
aren't possible today.

Please, DICE, make more events available. . . and why not make all of
them available?

--Forrest (aka "Woody")

Einar S. Idsø wrote:

>Great, thanks! I'll tell our admins to shut their pieholes and pay
>attention to the messages then :D
>(I would still like the event though, and enable logging of votes... ;))
>Giel van Schijndel wrote:
>>Well unless this sentence doesnt read out the name of the voter it does
>>show the voter (yah whatever crazylogic :-P ):
>>ETBF//Mortis has initiated a kickvote against Porlen[JPN]
>>And it is already impossible to vote more than one time in I believe 5
>>mins or so.
>>European Tactical Battlefield Forces
>>Einar S. Idsø schreef:
>>>According to what I'm hearing, it's not. But I am unable to join a
>>>server and test myself over the next couple of weeks (only access to old
>>>laptop with GForce2go), so I can't say for sure.
>>>In any case it would be nice to have an event for this so that we can
>>>autokick people that start three votes within 30 seconds, or people that
>>>kickvote admins :)
>>>David Stevens wrote:
>>>>I was pretty sure it said in game that "so and so started a mutiny vote"
>>>>Is it not there with kick?
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: "Einar S. Idsø" [mailto:esi at itk.ntnu.no] 
>>>>Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 8:51 AM
>>>>To: bf1942 at icculus.org
>>>>Subject: [bf1942] Missing event: InitiateVote(playerId,voteType)
>>>>In BF 1942 and BFV there was no way to see who started votes, not from
>>>>inside the game nor from server logs. Therefore, it was common to turn
>>>>off voting on many servers, so that smacktards weren't able to votespam.
>>>>It seems there is no way to figure out who is voting in BF2 either,
>>>>unfortunately. I see no events onto which we may hook (except a
>>>>VoteEvent which seems to be hidden from our use - see
>>>>http://bf2.fun-o-matic.org/index.php/Event_Reference). Would it be
>>>>possible to make such an event available to us, so at the very least we
>>>>can get a log of who starts votes (sometimes votes are used to get rid
>>>>of admins, something which can be VERY frustrating since you don't have
>>>>any way of figuring out who to kick). we could then also choose to have
>>>>text written to the screen indicating who initiated the vote, as is
>>>>common in other games.
>>>>Hope this is somehow possible. Or if it already is, please advice :)

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